
Latest version: v0.4.2

Safety actively analyzes 621469 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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This release fixes the exclude and post_job behavior
and updates two dependencies.

- [200] Add --exclude_file_type test
- [201] Amend test for post_job
- [195] apply CELERY_BROKER_URL env var globally to tests
- [198] update to Python 3.11 in docker test suite
- [201] Fix job done condition
- [200] Fix exclude_file_name/exclude_file_type
- [200] Add test for --exclude_file_name
- Bump certifi from 2018.11.29 to 2022.12.7
- Bump werkzeug from 0.15.3 to 2.2.3


This release fixes an exit code bug and adds a
character_map event handler method.

- [188] eliminate exit call in check_event_handler
- [40][166] tests work for unicodeEncodeError and char_map put/register
- [166] implement object path character remapping (with AVU hints)
- [180] add .gitignore
- [177] Fix wrong exit code with --synchronous option


This release abstracts the scanners, eases deployment
by putting the event handler in redis, provides better
SSL support, and now requires Python 3.7+.

- [171] Un-skip tests with resolved issues
- [167] Bump versions in and test image
- [170] Fix tests to use event_handler files
- Bump celery from 4.2.1 to 5.2.2
- Bump urllib3 from 1.24.2 to 1.26.5
- Bump jinja2 from 2.10 to 2.11.3
- [102] event_handler goes into redis
- [159] add performance benchmark test harness
- [147][157] Allow running workers with env only
- [156] modified test to use resc_hier string
- [155] added helper for unicode errors and renamed variables
- [110] Add several interfaces for refactor
- [irods/python-irodsclient237] load certificate into ssl context
- fixed the parsing of the S3 region parameter
- Bump werkzeug from 0.14.1 to 0.15.3
- [125] Add non-SSL connection option for S3
- [86][117] Test suite cleanup + docker image
- Correct for docker instructions
- [109] Update docker steps for Celery
- [114] Remove zone hint check
- [90] Honor CELERY_BROKER_URL when present




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