
Latest version: v1.15.0

Safety actively analyzes 621469 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Dependency: remove pendulum, add `python-dateutil` (thanks to [deronnax])
- Dependency: Supports Python 3.12 Now! (thanks to [deronnax])


- Bugfix: fix argument parsing, `"foo\nbar"` will be parsed to `foo` and `\`
and `n` and `bar`, the `\` and `n` should be one character `\n` instead.


- Dependency: upgrade redis-py to 5 (thanks to [chayim])
- Feature: porting to redis-server 7.2 now
- Feature: supports python 3.10, 3.11 now
- Doc: update commands.json from redis-doc to latest version


- Dependency: upgrade markdown render mistune to v3
- Dependency: deprecated importlib_resources, use Python build in
`importlib.resources` now
- Dependency: upgrade redis-py to 4.5
- Doc: update homepage link to
- Bugfix: Fix restore command caused by string literal escape


- Dependency: Drop Python 3.6 support.
- Bugfix: fix some typos.


- Feature: IRedis now honors the `ssl_cert_reqs` strategy, either specifying it
via command line (`--verify-ssl=<none|optional|required>`) or as an url
parameter (`ssl_cert_reqs`) when the connection is secured via tls
(`rediss://`). (authored by [torrefatto])

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