
Latest version: v0.4.1

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New features in this version:

- Chart.js backend was updated to 3.x.x. This is a major update, all changes can be seen here: https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/getting-started/v3-migration.html. This implies large performance improvements, easier customization, a rewritten animation system, bug fixes etc.
- Doc: Move from GitLab pages to GitHub pages. Replace algolia search by flexsearch. Re-writing of some sections to match the new syntax of Chart.js 3.x.x. Better handling of components, which are now isolated in separates HTML files called by Vue scripts.
- Convert all JS code to ES6 Javascript standard. Use ESLint and Prettier to clean the JS codebase.
- Integration and adaptation of the colorscheme plugin into the codebase because original implementation is not compatible with Chart.js 3.x.x.
- Start TDD on Python side.


Bug Fixes:

- Fix formatting of datalabels through a callback function (see related [issue](https://github.com/nicohlr/ipychart/issues/4))


New features in this version:

- Pandas Interface : Complete refactoring of the API. Charts are now created using functions.
- Added support of Jupyter Lab.
- Added dynamic update of charts when an agument of the chart is modified. This bring a lots of possibilities to dynamically modify a chart, for example by using ipywidgets (sliders, buttons ...).


New features in this version:

- Full cleaning of Python code
- Reduce fontsize in tooltips (back to default size) for charts made using the Pandas Interface


New features in this version:

- Add zoom feature (using https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-plugin-zoom), allowing the user to zoom in the chart using his mouse. Double click on the chart will reset the zoom.

Bug Fixes:

- Fix tooltips for doughnut, pie, polarArea charts when using pandas interface (tooltips wasn't formatted in the same way as other charts).
- Fix typing in methods of ChartDataFrame class in pandas interface.
- Fix docstrings: removing excess arguments and adding missing arguments.
- Various fixes and minor modifications in the documentation


New features in this version:

- Pandas Interface : Tooltips are automatically generated to use the column names of the dataframe used to draw the chart. Therefore, the information displayed when hovering the Chart is more relevant and more complete!
- Code optimization in both *Chart* & *ChartDataFrame* classes

Bug Fixes:

- Add missing requirements
- Requirements & LICENSE are now packaged in the source distribution

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