
Latest version: v0.5.2

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In this release

- 🐛 Fix to Issue 13.
- 🔨 Parsing of `f_low` and `f_high` in `parse_hvsrpy_output` for use with SESAME.
- 📚 Updates to README and documentation.


In this release

- 🐛 Fix bug related to `f0_mc` when using upper and lower frequency limits.
- 💥 Remove reference to `WindowedTimeSeries` and `FourierTransformSuite` in compliance with recent `sigpropy` release.
- 🔨 Refactor methods to remove superfluous if statements after aforementioned removals.
- ✅ Improve `testtools.py` to be more performant and easier to understand.
- ✅ Increase unit test coverage.
- 📚 Various updates to API documentation.


In this release

- ✨ Add `f_low` and `f_high` kwargs for peak selection to simplify processing of HVSR curves with multiple peaks.
- 💥 Deprecate use of `log-normal` as a function/method argument and replace with `lognormal`.
- 🔨 Treat HVSR amplitude from a single window as a 2D tensor for consistency with those from multiple windows.
- 🔨 Change `valid_window_indices` property to boolean array of constant length, rather than index array of non-constant length.
- 📚 Add examples of HVSR statistics to `README.md` and other general documentation improvements.


In this release

- :bug: Fix in response to issue 7.


In this release

- 🐛 Fix in `azimuthal_hvsrpy_interface.ipynb`, remove 180 degrees from statistical calculation but keep for plotting.
- ✨ Allow the use of 3 separate 1-component miniSEED files in `hvsrpy.Sensor1c.from_mseed` with addition of `fnames_1c` argument.
- ✨ Add SESAME (2004) reliability and clarity checking to `simple_hvsrpy_interface.ipynb`.
- 🎨 Add combination method and azimuth to the output file for `simple_hvsrpy_interface.ipynb`.
- 🎨 Add number of accepted and rejected windows to output file for `azimuthal_hvsrpy_interface.ipynb`.
- 🎨 Change methods "azimuth"->"single-azimuth" and "rotate"->"multiple-azimuths" to be more descriptive.
- ✅ Improved test coverage.
- 🔧 Add `__version__` to package to ensure consistency in output files and docs.


In this release

- ✨ New spatial statistics module.
- 📚 New user-friendly jupyter notebook for computing spatial statistics.
- 📚 Extended documentation.
- 🎨 Various other minor improvements.

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