
Latest version: v2.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 619286 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Check to ensure the gevent monkeypatch was applied when running the consumer
with greenlet workers, log warning if it is not.
* Explicitly clear the revoked flag on task instances after execution (713).
This will help reduce junk keys left in the storage if you attempt to revoke
a task while it is executing.
* Add support for `delay=`, `eta=` in Huey's `.s()` and `.then()` - this adds
support for delaying or scheduling pipelines.
* Add support for rescheduling callback pipelines when rescheduling a task.
This is enabled by default (`preserve_pipeline=True`).
* Add an `on_commit_task()` decorator for Django extension that will enqueue
the task after any database changes have been committed. This eliminates a
common race condition where a task is enqueued and executed before the
corresponding database changes have been committed.
* Allow overriding the `delay` and `eta` when raising a `RetryTask` exception.
This provides finer-grained control over when a task should be retried.
* Add a very simple `ResultGroup.as_completed()` helper to provide a way to
deal with multiple results as they become available. Refs 746.
* Add an `asyncio` helper for resolving task results asynchronously. Asyncio
users can use `await aget_result(result)` or `await aget_result_group(rg)` to
fetch a task result in non-blocking fashion.
* Fix bug in SIGINT and SIGTERM behavior for gevent users.
* Include lock name when a task fails due to `TaskLocked` exception (757).

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Not secure
Improves propagation of errors in task results and includes fix for newer
versions of pip.

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Not secure
* Add `is_locked(lock_name)` to test whether lock is held.
* Allow raising `CancelExecution` within a Task, and override `retries`.
* Add a very basic redis-backed lock that can be acquired more than once (to
provide a rudimentary semaphore).
* Add a `periodic_task()` wrapper for `MiniHuey` class.

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Not secure
* Fix compatibility with redis-py 4.0.0+.

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Not secure
* Fix implementation of schedule-pop Lua script so it works with Redis cluster.
* Ensure Django connections are closed before *and* after (previously they were
only closed after) task execution with `db_task()` and `db_periodic_task()`.
* Allow additional lock-names to be specified when flushing locks.

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Not secure
* Attempt to reconnect to database if connection becomes unusable (e.g. due to
a server restart). See: `huey.contrib.sql_huey.SqlHuey`.
* Do not use a soft file-lock for `FileStorage` - use `fcntl.flock()` instead.

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