
Latest version: v2.0

Safety actively analyzes 619504 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Dropped support for Python 2.4/2.5. Use the 1.x versions for those.
Currently supported versions are Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2 and 3.3. [dokai]

- Python 3.2/3.3 support. [dokai, mmariani]

- Tox support.

- Travis CI integration. https://travis-ci.org/hexagonit/hexagonit.recipe.cmmi
See https://github.com/hexagonit/hexagonit.recipe.cmmi/pull/7

- Automatically clean up a left-over compile directory from a previously
failed run. See https://github.com/hexagonit/hexagonit.recipe.cmmi/pull/9



- Relicensed under the `3-clause BSD license <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses3-clause_license_.28.22New_BSD_License.22_or_.22Modified_BSD_License.22.29>`_.



- PEP8 / Pyflakes cleanup.

- Quote ``--prefix`` paths to support whitespace characters in
the path. Closes https://github.com/hexagonit/hexagonit.recipe.cmmi/pull/4

- Fixed importing of the hook scripts on Windows. Closes



- Refactored the environment variable handling logic. Python versions prior
to 2.6 have an issue clearing the environment variables using
``os.environ.clear()`` (See http://bugs.python.org/issue3227). [dokai]

Instead of modifying ``os.environ`` directly we use the ``subprocess``
module to run the commands in child processes which are given an explicit
environment which is a copy of the current ``os.environ`` augmented with
the per-part overrides. As a result, ``os.environ`` is no longer modified
by this recipe.

The `Python hook scripts`_ are passed the augmented environment dictionary
as a third parameter.

.. warning:: Existing hook scripts accepting only two parameters
continue to work but they do not have access to the modified
environment variables. To fix this they should be refactored
to accept the third parameter.

See https://github.com/hexagonit/hexagonit.recipe.cmmi/issues/issue/1/issue/1/comment/605362
for details.



- Added support for passing options to ``make`` with the new
``make-options`` option. See the `Installing a package without an autoconf
like system`_ section below for an example. [dokai]

- The ``--prefix`` parameter will be automatically given to the configure
command if and only if

- the ``configure-command`` is not used to specify a custom configure command and

- ``--prefix`` is not given explicitly in the ``configure-options`` option.


- Removed the ``is_build_dir()`` heuristic.

Previously the recipe inspected the contents of the downloaded package to
determine if it contained the necessary files for building the package (it
checked if files named ``configure`` or ``Makefile.PL`` existed) and gave
an error message if they were missing. However, the recipe is useful for
building many different kinds of software packages and checking for
particular files limited its use severely.

Now the recipe omits any checks for particular files in the downloaded
package. It is recommended that you use the ``md5sum`` option in your part
configuration to assert that you are downloading the package you expect
to. [dokai]



- Refactored the ``is_build_dir()`` helper method to make it easier to test
and override in customized recipes. [dokai]

- Fixed the handling of the working directory so that it is restored to the
state before executing the recipe regardless whether the recipe was
successful or not. Thanks to Jonathan Ballet for the report and preliminary
patch. [dokai]

- Fixed http://github.com/hexagonit/hexagonit.recipe.cmmi/issuesissue/1
Environment variables defined in one part will no longer leak to other
subsequent parts. [dokai]

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