
Latest version: v3.0

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Breaking changes

- Drop support for Python 2.7.

- Drop no longer used exception ``.interfaces.CounterBelowZero``.


- Retry errors which happen during a transaction.commit and are configured for

- Add support for Python 3.9.



- Let the Server exit in case of an ``socket.error``. We lost the re-connection
feature in 2.0 already.



- Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.



- Add support for ``zope.interface >= 5``.
(`13 <https://github.com/NativeInstruments/gocept.amqprun/pull/13>`_)

- Change CI pipeline from Travis to GitHub Actions.



Breaking changes

- Use kombu/py-amqp instead of pika for basic abstraction over amqp methods.

- Remove multithreading – servers and workers run in the current process.

- Remove gocept.amqprun.main.main_server as main loop.

- Remove ``configure.zcml`` and ``meta.zcml``.

- Remove writing messages in files and the amqp:writefile directive.

- Remove writefiles extra in setup.py.

- Remove amqp:readfile zcml directive and add send_files entrypoint for
readfiles process. It takes three parameters: a configuration file path, a
watch directory path and a route to send the file to.
(see bin/test_send_files, details are in the README.rst).

- Remove ``.channel.Channel`` and use ``amqp.channel.Channel`` instead.

- Remove ``.interfaces.IChannelManager``.

- Remove ``.interfaces.ProcessStarted``.

- Remove ``.interfaces.ProcessStopping``.

- Remove ``.connection.Connection`` and use ``kombu.Connection`` instead.

- Rename conf key ``heartbeat_interval`` to ``heartbeat`` in zconfig

- Remove ``amount`` from worker zconfig.

- Enforce content_encoding header for Message bodies that are unicode.

- Rename ``.message.Message.header.headers`` to

- Rename ``.testing.ZCML_LAYER`` to ``.testing.ZCA_LAYER``.

- Remove ``.testing.LoopTestCase``, use ``unittest.TestCase`` instead.

- Remove ``.testing.MainTestCase.wait_for_response``, use ``wait_for_message``

- Remove ``.testing.SettingsLayer`` as it is not used here.

- Move ``.connection.Parameters`` to ``.server``, it now returns a dict.


- Add ``bin/test_sender`` and ``bin/test_server`` scripts to smoke test sending
and receiving behaviour. See README.rst.

- Add representation for ``.handler.Handler`` class.



- Update to current bootstrap.py

- Improve forward compatibility with Python 3.

- Fix deprecation warning.

- Prevent using pytest >= 5 to keep Python 2 compatibility.

- Migrate repository to github.

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