
Latest version: v0.6.1

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* Added constants ``F_SETPIPE_SZ`` and ``F_SETPIPE_SZ`` (for ``fcntl(2)``)
* Added high-level wrapper for ``pthread_sigmask`` (now sharing code with
``sigprocmask`` wrapper)



* Small change to internal APIs (no need to upgrade or there are no public API



* Functions from the pthread library are now supported
* Added functions: ``read(2)``, ``pause(2)``, ``eventfd(2)``,
``eventfd_read(2)``, ``eventfd_write(2)``, ``clock_getres(2)``,
``clock_gettime(2)`` and ``clock_settime(2)``.
* Added constants: ``NSIG``, ``EFD_CLOEXEC``, ``EFD_NONBLOCK``,
* Added new module :mod:`` that contains a Python 2.7+ version of the from Python 3.4. This module contains a pure-python version of the
``epoll`` class. It may be used in place of the module from the standard
library if additional features are desired in a cross-python-version portable
* Added new module :mod:`pyglibc.selectors` that contains a Python 2.7+ version
of the from Python 3.4. As with, it can be used
in place of the original.
* Added new module :mod:`pyglibc._signalfd` that exposes ``signalfd(2)`` in a
much more pythonic way. Use signalfd as a file, as a context manager, inspect
it in pdb, all easily without having to browse through manual pages. It is
exposed as ``pyglibc.signalfd`` for easier importing.
* Added new module :mod:`pyglibc._pthread_sigmask` that exposes
``pthread_sigmask(2)`` in a much more pythonic way, making it a perfect
companion for the ``signalfd()`` class. It is exposed as
``pyglibc.pthread_sigmask`` for easier importing.
* Added new module :mod:`pyglibc._pipe` that expoes ``pipe2(2)`` in the same
way as Python 3.4 does via the ``os.pipe()`` and ``os.pipe2()`` functions.
* Added new module :mod:`pyglibc._subreaper` that adds pythonic API to
``prctl(PR_{GET,SET}_CHILD_SUBREAPER, ...)``. This module exposes a single
instance called ``subreaper``.



* Added tests for structure / union size and offset of each field
* New feature, type aliases for non-compound types like ``time_t``.
* Added functions: ``prctl(2)``, ``timerfd_create(2)``, ``timerfd_settime(2)``,
* Added constants: ``PR_SET_PDEATHSIG``, ``PR_GET_PDEATHSIG``,
* Added structures: ``struct itimerspec``, ``struct timespec`` and
``struct timeval``.
* Added type alias for ``time_t`` and ``suseconds_t``



* Started tracking changes relevant to other people.
* First release with tests for constants and type sizes.
* Fixed issues with ``struct epoll_event`` (size mismatch).
* Added functions: ``close(2)``.
* Added constants: ``FD_SETSIZE``, ``EPOLLRDNORM``, ``EPOLLRDBAND``,
* Improved bundled demos (not part of release)



Has known vulnerabilities

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