
Latest version: v2.3.5

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<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at v2.3.5 -->

What's Changed
Bug Fixes
* fix ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence by weikang9009 in
* address CI testing failures by weikang9009 in
Other Changes
* Edits to changelog, README, and doc website for v2.3.4 release by weikang9009 in
* update CI --> supported Python versions by jGaboardi in
* Implement GHA for building docs by jGaboardi in
* black format repo by jGaboardi in
* Lint repo with `ruff` by jGaboardi in
* Migrate to `pyproject.toml` by jGaboardi in
* [] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in
* fix small errors in README by weikang9009 in

New Contributors
* pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* version bump to v2.3.3 by weikang9009 in
* Follow up work for release of giddy 2.3.3 by weikang9009 in
* fix for v2.3.3 docs by weikang9009 in
* (docs) remove redirection to readthedocs as the docs are now hosted on github page by weikang9009 in
* (docs) fix docs for spatial Markov by weikang9009 in
* (doc) remove unused requirements for doc building by weikang9009 in
* removing unused docs materials by jGaboardi in
* update release_and_publish.yml by jGaboardi in
* update pysal favicon by jGaboardi in
* Update docs by weikang9009 in
* add custom codecov schema by jGaboardi in
* CI update & redesign by jGaboardi in
* update dev branches; test shapely dev by jGaboardi in
* refactor: deprecate fmpt and replace with mfpt by sjsrey in
* default esda branch master -> main by jGaboardi in
* changing configuration for the testing action by weikang9009 in
* Adjust and update docs by weikang9009 in
* Prepare for v2.3.4 release by weikang9009 in
* update github action for release by weikang9009 in
* small edits to long description by weikang9009 in

**Full Changelog**:


This release does not add new functionalities for spatiotemporal analytics. Instead, it features the additional support of python 3.8 and the migration of the documentation website host from readthedocs to GitHub Page. The new docs website is

In addition, two GitHub workflows for (1) [continuous integration]( and (2) [building and releasing the package to pypi and github]( are configured to automate these maintenance process with GitHub Actions.

We closed a total of 65 issues (enhancements and bug fixes) through 30 pull requests, since our last release on 2019-12-20. (A complete history of release details is reported in [](

Issues Closed
- version bump to v2.3.3 (158)
- (bug) pytest-runner is deprecated (157)
- Prepare for releasing v2.3.2 as v2.3.1 is broken (156)
- Follow-up fixes for the automatic release of v2.3.1 with github actions (155)
- Prepare for a formal release of giddy v2.3.1 with GitHub actions (154)
- fix for github actions release (name of changelog) (153)
- GitHub actions (packing and releasing) - pack the updated changelog to the built distribution (152)
- Fixes for building and releasing with github actions (151)
- (bug) fix workflow of building and releasing (150)
- Name of the passwords are capitalized (149)
- Version bump for building and releasing with GitHub actions (testing) (148)
- Give a name to the continuous testing workflow (147)
- (bug) fix workflow of GitHub actions for building and releasing a package (146)
- release and publish with github actions (145)
- CI only testing against master branch (143)
- Update README (144)
- badges for CI with github actions and codecov (141)
- migrate from readthedocs to github page for docs hosting (142)
- fix docs (with nbsphinx) (140)
- Continuous integration using GitHub Actions (139)
- add requirements on quantecon (>=0.4.7) (138)
- code formatting with black (137)
- spatial_dynamics.interaction migration? (124)
- remove accidentally added testing notebook (136)
- Binder for examples is missing dependencies (132)
- (bug) adding missing dependencies for Binder (135)
- output for classic Markov needs slight rewording (133)
- rewording summary output for Markov chains (134)
- (bug) sojourn_time for p with rows of 0s (131)
- Links broken with (#129)
- fix for 129 (130)
- github page redirected to readthedocs page (128)
- Extend functions for Markov classes to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains (107)
- prepare for releasing V2.3.0 (127)
- (ENH) Extend functions for Markov classes to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains (109)

Pull Requests
- version bump to v2.3.3 (158)
- (bug) pytest-runner is deprecated (157)
- Prepare for releasing v2.3.2 as v2.3.1 is broken (156)
- Follow-up fixes for the automatic release of v2.3.1 with github actions (155)
- Prepare for a formal release of giddy v2.3.1 with GitHub actions (154)
- fix for github actions release (name of changelog) (153)
- GitHub actions (packing and releasing) - pack the updated changelog to the built distribution (152)
- Fixes for building and releasing with github actions (151)
- (bug) fix workflow of building and releasing (150)
- Name of the passwords are capitalized (149)
- Version bump for building and releasing with GitHub actions (testing) (148)
- Give a name to the continuous testing workflow (147)
- (bug) fix workflow of GitHub actions for building and releasing a package (146)
- release and publish with github actions (145)
- CI only testing against master branch (143)
- Update README (144)
- badges for CI with github actions and codecov (141)
- migrate from readthedocs to github page for docs hosting (142)
- fix docs (with nbsphinx) (140)
- Continuous integration using GitHub Actions (139)
- add requirements on quantecon (>=0.4.7) (138)
- code formatting with black (137)
- remove accidentally added testing notebook (136)
- (bug) adding missing dependencies for Binder (135)
- rewording summary output for Markov chains (134)
- (bug) sojourn_time for p with rows of 0s (131)
- fix for 129 (130)
- github page redirected to readthedocs page (128)
- prepare for releasing V2.3.0 (127)
- (ENH) Extend functions for Markov classes to deal with non-ergodic Markov chains (109)

The following individuals contributed to this release:

- Wei Kang
- Serge Rey
- James Gaboardi


This release adds functionalities for non-ergodic Markov chains

Full release details are reported in [](


This release includes a bug fix for the estimation of kendall's Tau and its spatial extension when ties are present

Full release details are reported in [](


This release features the addition of several alignment-based sequence analysis methods. Examples are given in a [notebook](

Full release details are reported in [](

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