
Latest version: v1.12.0

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Date: April 5, 2024

This release brings compatibility with the latest release of Bokeh 3.4. Many thanks to droumis, mattpap, maximlt and Hoxbro for their ongoing contributions.


- Lazy load modules ([709](

Project governance:

- Create initial project gov docs ([616](

Removed deprecations:

- Removed `load_tiff` use `rioxarray.open_rasterio` instead ([701](
- Removed `gv.tile_sources.Wikipedia` alias use `gv.tile_sources.OSM` instead ([701](


- Modernize JS/TS codebase and upgrade to Bokeh 3.4 ([715](


- Align build dependencies ([710](
- Build the site without pulling the dev dependencies ([711](
- Update pre-commit and fix test suite ([712](
- Update build CI ([713](
- General maintenance ([717](



Date: February 13, 2024

This release brings minor bug fix and a few docs changes. Many thanks to dwr-psandhu for his first contribution and Hoxbro, maximlt, and ahuang11 for their ongoing contributions.


- Add support for `ImageStack` ([693](
- Update `WMTS` params to match Bokeh ([698](


- Show all tile sources ([699](
- Add downloads badges by ahuang11 ([702](
- Replace Google Analytics with GoatCounter ([692](

Bug Fixes:

- Fix minimum zoom level ([688](


- General maintenance ([687](, [#689](, [#696](, [#705](



Date: November 1, 2023

This release brings compatibility with the latest versions of Bokeh (3.3) and Python (3.12), while also discontinuing support for Python 3.8. Many thanks to ahuang11, maximlt, philippjfr, and Hoxbro for their ongoing contributions.


- Add `VectorField`/`WindBarbs` `project` operation ([296](

Bug fixes:

- Add `**kwargs` to all ``get_extents`` ([670](
- Update to use `self.param.warning` ([672](
- Set default `zoom_level` on `Matplotlib`'s WMTS to 3 from 8 ([685](


- Replace `np.NaN` with `np.nan` ([680](
- Update to support Bokeh 3.3 and Python 3.12 and drop Python 3.8 ([683](
- Update to support Python 3.12 and drop Python 3.8 ([683](
- Update Stamen maps ([684](


- Update GeoViews installation ([669](
- Remove calling `.cols(3)` on the homepage ([681](


- Add [OpenCollective]( sponsor link on the repo page ([#666](
- General maintenance update ([668](, [#675](, [#676](



Date: July 20, 2023

This micro release adds support for Bokeh 3.2. More maps are added to Geoviews with `xyzservices` and many more maps from ESRI. WindBarbs plot is now supported in the Matplotlib backend. Many thanks to djm93dev for his first contribution and also ahuang11, maximlt, philippjfr, and Hoxbro for their continuous contributions.


- Add WindBarbs to the Matplotlib Backend ([651](, [#662](
- Add support for `xyzservices` ([654](
- Add `World_Physical_Map`, `World_Shaded_Relief` and `World_Topo_Map` and many more maps from ESRI ([655](


- Add documentation for GeoViews offline features and tiles ([649](


- Add Bokeh 3.2 support to GeoViews ([664](
- Improve `rioxarray` support ([645](
- Remove deprecated `np.product` for `` ([660](


- General maintenance ([648](, [#652](, [#653](, [#657](, [#661](



Date: May 25, 2023

This release adds Bokeh 3 support to Geoviews, along with bug fixes and enhancements. Many thanks to ahuang11, maximlt, philippjfr, and Hoxbro.

This release also deprecates the `Wikipedia` tile source. If you are using this tile source, please switch to the `OSM` tile source instead. The `Wikipedia` tile source will be removed in version 1.11.0. `geoviews.util.load_tiff` has also been deprecated `rioxarray.open_rasterio` to load GeoTIFFs into a `xarray.DataArray`.

Note, this release has a minor breaking change where `gv.feature.states` defaults to `fill_color=None` so the fill color is transparent.


- Add Bokeh 3 support to GeoViews ([625](
- Add `PandasAPI` to `GeoPandasInterface` ([620](
- Updated the default for `gv.feature.states` to `fill_color=None` ([643](

Bug fixes:

- Fix hover for overlays of `gv.Points` ([631](


- Allow `Dataset` to have any number of `kdims` ([626](
- Add `pyproj` to the runtime dependencies ([627](
- HoloViews 1.16 support ([633](
- Deprecate Wikipedia tile ([630](, [#636](
- Use Geodatasets for geo datasets ([635](
- Deprecate `geoviews.util.load_tiff` ([640](


- Use `ruff` as a formatting tool ([628](
- Use `codespell` as a spelling checker ([641](
- General maintenance ([602](, [#630](, [#632](
- Update to latest `nbsite` ([638](



Date: Jan 17, 2023

This release contains a small number of bug fixes and compatibility with the latest releases of Numpy and Shapely. Many thanks to pmav99, philippjfr, maximlt, and Hoxbro.

Bug fixes:

- Fix regression and remove deprecation warnings for `gv.annotators` ([583](


- Compatibility with Shapely 2.0 ([570](, [#603](
- Compatibility with Numpy 1.24 ([608](
- Compatibility with HoloViews 1.15 ([572](, [#574](
- Compatibility with Python 3.11 ([601](


- Fix TypeScript files not being packaged and therefore gave an uncaught error in the console for `gv.annotators` ([610](
- Fix building with `pip install .` and update of packages ([575](, [#579](
- Setting NPM access to public and update `package.json` ([585](, [#586](


- Fix docs build ([580](, [#588](, [#611](, [#612](


- Adding pre-commit to CI ([604](
- Renamed `master` branch to `main` ([606](
- Remove Trove Classifier for Python 3.6 ([565](
- Various fixes and general maintenance of the CI ([566](, [#567](, [#569](, [#573](, [#587](, [#591](, [#594](, [#595](, [#596](, [#600](, [#607](

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