
Latest version: v0.4.9

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* Fix wrap fuction over n_word_max (issue 41).
* Inaccuracy flag is propagated to a new Fxp or resulting Fxp if one or more input Fxp are inaccurate (issue 48).
* New `from_bin` method and function. Set value or create new Fxp from a binary string (issue 49).
* Support to complex binary strings as input format.
* Force to `config.op_input_size='best'` when power operation has an constant operator (non-Fxp). Add warning message. (issue 89).
* Selection of `prefix` for binary and hexadecimal representations.
* Fix `cumsum` function bug when dealing with sizes bigger than 32 bits (windows) / 64 bits (linux) (issue 76).
* Fix `numpy.reshape` function handling. This function was returning optimal size instead of same by default (issue 77).
* Fix negative number parsing in `dtype` string (issue 80).

Solved issues

41 48 49 76 77 80 89

Thanks to

desvdp edschofield nfrancque Ethan-lsh alb-pol jrmoserbaltimore for reporting fixed issues and everyone else whose issues are still open.


* Fix value dtype handling for windows OS and uint as 32 bits (issue 60).
* `__getitem__` method return a Fxp with raw value as view (issue 62).
* Add tests for issues 60 and 62.


Thanks to:
DanChianucci , lucacutrignelli


* Keep val as original_vdtype and not as object when it is convenient (solve issue 60).
* Convert vdtype to float when scaling transformation is applied.
* Add `abs` method.


Thanks to:
DanChianucci for issue 60


* Fix complex `truediv` and `floordiv` methods (issue 53).
* Fix complex binary, hexadecimal and base representation for arrays (issue 56).
* Tests updates for complex representations.
* Solve init by dtype when it is complex (issue 58).

Thanks to:
ruoting0103 , mousecat98


* Fix FutureWarning in subdtype 'str' comparison (issue 45).
* dtype argument added to `resize` method.
* new method `get_dtype` to get dtype using argument `notation`.
* Docstring of `get_dtype`, `resize`, `reshape`, `flatten`, `set_val`, `astype`, `get_val`, `raw`, `uraw`, `equal`
* Order parameter for `reshape` and flatten methods.

Thanks to

qarlosalberto (issue 45)


* Fix wrapping and scaling issue 44.


thanks to desvdp

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