
Latest version: v1.2.0

Safety actively analyzes 622229 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


New features:

* Xxx
* Xxx

Bug fixes:

* Xxx
* Xxx


Added support for PyQt5

Older versions

* 1.0.15: added support for multiline strings
* 1.0.14: fixed Python 3 support (regression in 1.0.13)
* 1.0.13: replaced obsolete QColorDialog.getRgba function and fixed other compatibility issues with PySide (see Issue 8 of formlayout website)
* 1.0.12: added support for Python 3
* 1.0.11: added support for PySide
* 1.0.10: added float validator: disable "OK" and "Apply" button when not valid
* 1.0.7: added support for "Apply" button
* 1.0.6: code cleaning



Has known vulnerabilities

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