
Latest version: v18.3

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- **IMPORTANT!** Reqires redis-py >= 3.0 since RQ and rq-scheduler have
switched to that requirement. Please upgrade as soon as possible.



- **Last release to support redis-py < 3.0.0!** Fixes version incompatibility
with rq-scheduler. Requires rq-scheduler < 0.9.0.



- Requires redis-py < 3.0.0 as long as RQ hasn't been made compatible to
that version. Please don't update redis-py to 3.x yet, it will break
using RQ.

More infos:

- https://github.com/rq/rq/issues/1014
- https://github.com/rq/Flask-RQ2/issues/75

- Require rq < 0.13.0 to cater to a possible Redis 3.0.0 compatible version.



- Requires rq >= 0.12.0 and rq-scheduler >= 0.8.3 now.

- Fixes imcompatibility with the new rq 0.12.0 release with which the
``flask rq worker`` command would raise an error because of changes
in handling of the ``worker_ttl`` parameter defaults.

- Added support for Python 3.7. Since 'async' is a keyword in Python 3.7,
`RQ(async=True)` has been changed to `RQ(is_async=True)`. The `async`
keyword argument will still work, but raises a `DeprecationWarning`.

- Documentation fixes.



- The project has been moved to the official RQ GitHub organization!

New URL: https://github.com/rq/flask-rq2

- Stop monkey-patching the scheduler module since rq-scheduler gained the
ability to use custom job classes.

**Requires rq-scheduler 0.8.2 or higher.**

- Adds `depends_on`, `at_front`, `meta` and `description` parameters to job

**Requires rq==0.10.0 or higher.**

- Minor fixes for test infrastructure.



- Allow dynamically setting timeout, result TTL and job TTL and other
parameters when enqueuing, scheduling or adding as a cron job.

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