
Latest version: v0.14.1

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What's Changed
* Add the missing install requirement `packaging` by greyli in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/225
* Bump to version `0.14.1` by jeffwidman in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/227

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/compare/0.14.0...0.14.1


WARNING: This fails to work due to a missing import of `packaging`, use [0.14.1](https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/releases/0.14.1) instead.

What's Changed
* Submodule to use https protocol after unencrypted git proto deprecated by natecollins in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/175
* Add ARIA role to toolbar for accessibility improvement by natecollins in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/174
* Permit scrolling for content panels by natecollins in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/173
* Expand HTTP codes on which the toolbar will be displayed by natecollins in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/176
* docs: Fix a few typos by timgates42 in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/180
* Fixed scrollbar issues by caffeinatedMike in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/182
* Replace deprecated threading.currentThread with threading.current_thread by hugovk in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/179
* updated to work with flask 2.2+ by christopherpickering in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/183
* Flask-SQLAlchemy 3 compatibility by Dosenpfand in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/186
* Fix outdated docs links by jeffwidman in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/187
* Point at new location of django-debug-toolbar by jeffwidman in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/189
* Fix Flask SQLAlchemy quickstart link by frafra in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/196
* Point URLs at `pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar` by jeffwidman in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/197
* fix: migrate from deprecated `flask.Markup` to `markupsafe.Markup` by miettal in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/203
* fix: use urllib.parse.quote_plus and drop werkzeug.urls.url_quote_plus by miettal in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/207
* fix: drop response.charset because charset deprecated by miettal in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/206
* Set up GitHub actions to replace Travis by greyli in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/215
* No need to specify custom default value if key not found by jeffwidman in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/210
* Remove deprecated charset property from process_response content crafting by dadavec in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/211
* Fix tox and GitHub actions settings by greyli in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/217
* Remove the use of before_first_request by greyli in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/218
* Fix lint issues and lint config by greyli in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/219
* Fix the test for basic app by greyli in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/221
* Use standard Python gitignore file by greyli in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/220
* Drop `CHANGES.rst` in favor of GitHub Releases by jeffwidman in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/198
* Bump version to 0.14.0 by jeffwidman in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/223

New Contributors
* natecollins made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/175
* caffeinatedMike made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/182
* hugovk made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/179
* christopherpickering made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/183
* Dosenpfand made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/186
* frafra made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/196
* miettal made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/203
* greyli made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/215
* dadavec made their first contribution in https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/211

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/pallets-eco/flask-debugtoolbar/compare/0.13.1...0.14.0


What's Changed
* Fix `setup.cfg` to include package files by nickjj in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/172
* Use a consistent version naming convention, 0.13 should have been 0.13.0 but it was yanked and you can't re-push yanked packages with the same version

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/compare/0.12.1...0.13.1


Fix changelog & docs URLs on PyPI


What's Changed
* Fix SQLAlchemy SELECT/EXPLAIN to use url_for to respect app prefixes.… by mattaw in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/143
* Add flask.g section to show g object content. by Yaser-Amiri in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/118
* Change docs to pull version from setup.py by jeffwidman in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/108
* Update README.rst by jeffwidman in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/147
* Setup DB properly by jeffwidman in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/148
* Cleanup version handling slightly by jeffwidman in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/149
* Support gzip response by zaw007 in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/154
* prefixed css classes, fixes 152 by jnnkB in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/153
* Remove deprecated Jinja with_ extension for Jinja 3.0 (related to Flask 2.0) by nickjj in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/157
* Update PyPI metadata files: add `setup.cfg` etc by jeffwidman in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/164

New Contributors
* mattaw made their first contribution in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/143
* Yaser-Amiri made their first contribution in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/118
* zaw007 made their first contribution in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/154
* jnnkB made their first contribution in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/153
* nickjj made their first contribution in https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/pull/157

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/flask-debugtoolbar/flask-debugtoolbar/compare/0.11.0...v0.12.0



- Switch to Flask's native CLI, dropping flask_script in the process (b92391d, thanks jeffwidman)
- Do not show DebugToolbar routes in the route map (86, thanks floqqi)
- Document Pygments for SQL highlighting (127, thanks pgiraud)


- Remove deprecated flask.json_available (119, thanks davidism)
- Remove deprecated request.is_xhr (7ce099c, thanks jeffwidman)
- Explicitly disable `SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS` (9c7db48, thanks jeffwidman)
- Fix typo (142, thanks timgates42)



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