
Latest version: v2023.9.1

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What's Changed
* Add upper method to airport object by ntilley905 in https://github.com/ntilley905/faadelays/pull/8

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ntilley905/faadelays/compare/v2023.9.0...v2023.9.1



- Correct misspelling of `probability_of_extension`
- Add missing start and end time to ground delay object

What's Changed
* 2023.9.0 by ntilley905 in https://github.com/ntilley905/faadelays/pull/7

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ntilley905/faadelays/compare/v2023.8.0...v2023.9.0


This release is to migrate to the new FAA NAS Status API and has multiple breaking changes.

Breaking Changes

- Nationwide object removed
- `get_nationwide_delays()` method removed
- Changes to airport object
- City, state, ICAO, and IATA codes removed as new API does not return them
- New latitude/longitude fields (only returned when active delay is present)
- New deicing status for airports
- Airport name now only returns if the airport has an active delay
- New config object (see below)
- Weather data no longer retrieved
- Airport is not checked to see if it is supported
- If an airport is not supported, it simply will not provide any data now
- `InvalidAirport` error removed
- New `AirportConfig` object
- Returns arrival/departure runway configuration and arrival rate when provided by the API
- All delay objects now return an "update time" provided by the API
- This is when the source data was updated, not when the API data was retrieved
- All delay objects now return a URL to the OIS Advisory
- New Ground Delay data
- Maximum delay
- Start time
- End time
- Departure scope (if applicable)
- Included Facilities (if applicable)
- Included flights (if applicable)
- New Ground Stop data
- Included facilities (if applicable)
- Included flights (if applicable)
- Probability of extension
- Closure object now returns the text of the applicable NOTAM

Housekeeping Changes

The `setup.py` has transitioned to a `pyproject.toml`. In addition, semantic release numbers have changed to date based release numbers.


This is a small bug fix release for an issue I spotted with the API. See below for notes.

Bug Fixes
- Fix a `KeyError` if no `Status` element is returned from the API


This is a bug fix release to correct the get_airport_delays and get_nationwide_delays functions. They were broken by the 0.0.4 and 0.0.5 updates, this corrected that.


Breaking Change

This is similar to the change in v0.0.4, just now for the nationwide session. The session is now stored in the nationwide object instead of passed into the update function.

Whereas a previous call might look like this:

data = faadelays.Nationwide()
await data.update(session)

It should now be used like this:

data = faadelays.Nationwide(session)
await data.update()

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