
Latest version: v0.1.0

Safety actively analyzes 622080 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Project renaming : ecpy -> exopy due to a PyPI conflict
- rename measure package -> measurement (correct english is better)
- docs: improve documentation about debugging (124)
- measurement: fix a bug causing unwanted forced stops (122)
- measurement: fix all found bugs of execution editor (110)
- measurement: fix all found bugs of database access editor (110)
- measurement: remove measurement from the list of edited ones when loading (110)
- measurement: fix bug when switching workspaces after loading a measurement (110)
- measurement: fix reference leak of old measures (110)
- widgets: more homogoneous behavior of drag and drop in the tree (110)
- tasks: fix collections of instr dependencies of interfaces (99)
- tasks: allow for no views for an interface (97)
- utils: use surrogate escape on Python 2 when decoding formatted traceback (100)
- add support for qt5 and python 3.6 (96)
- testing: handle dialog block execution till handler called (95)
- tasks: fix handling of instrument dependencies in interfaces (88)
- app : allow dep_type to be absent when analysing (87)
- tasks: fix linspace interface (79)
- measurement: make sure loaded measurement is selected after loading (85)
- tasks: fixes for the execution of task in parallel (80)
- testing: provide a function to monkeypatch exit_error_gathering
- instruments: fix broken test
- testing: switch to pytest-catchlog
- instruments: fixes to settings edition (74)
- measurement: fix issues with workspace switching. (72)
- measurement: fix issue with enqueueing when switching workspaces
- utils: do not use repr on str in Python 2
- testing: increase time left to the os to clean resources



- utils: improve error message if an exception is raised when updating members
from preferences
- utils.widgets: proper sync for DictEditor
- measurement: use custom action for copying task
- utils: fix bug in copy action of qt_tree_menu
- measurement: when stopping first check whether or not to process next measurement.
- tasks.configs: sync name used in LoopConfig with subconfig
- measurement: add the measurement id in the panel of an enqueued measurement
- measurement: fix path building for measurement saving
- instruments: fix default of TCPIP connection for device name
- utils: fix default layout of FieldFieldEditor for DictEditor
- instruments : add missing import in manifest
- instruments : properly parent profile edition widget
- instruments: show connection/settings when selecting them.
- utils : properly clean the selection when all items are removed.
- instruments : set the connection declaration when creating.



- make read-only better handled in VisaConnections
- improve layout of FieldCompleterFieldEditor for DictEditor



- always clean measurement dependencies after enqueuing
- add some safeties around pickling



- fix in LoopTask interface selection
- add a rule to TextMonitor to reject instrument entries
- fix a number of glitches (completion)



- add plugin app.icon to handle the use of icons
- turn instruments starters into a standard class to be able to serialize them
- add a global sys.excepthook to get nicer messages
- keep threads alive for task in parallel to get more reproducible timing
- add the possibility to profile the execution of a root task
- lots of bugfixes

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