
Latest version: v0.1.7

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This is a bugs fix release for the eprinttools module. The module eprinttools.eprints3x and eprinttools.eprintviews are now just eprinttools. Fixed a missing set of tests for publishing to S3 buckets.


This is the first release of eprinttools (eprinttools-0.1.5.tar.gz) Python module on PyPi.


This first release that features an eprinttools Python 3 module for creating public static page versions of an EPrints repository suitable to host on s3 and CloudFront at AWS (or similar platforms).

The goal of these additions is to allow Caltech Library to continue to use EPrints as a curation tool but allow us greater flexibility and integration with our Library and Archive's web presence.

This release includes both Python package and Go language package and cli.


The .primary_object field generated when you harvest EPrints XML and render it as JSON now includes a filesize if available.


This release sees improvements to the Python module for working with EPrints rest api. This includes harvesting recently modified and full repository. The recently modified filters by last mod date. Two harvester examples, `demo-harvester-recent.py` and `demo-harvester-full.py`. Minor bug fixes. Updated ROADMAP.md.


This release includes a bug fix in populating the primary object the EPrint record points out. Also included os the eprints3x python module which supports harvesting an EPrints record and related documents into dataset. A demo of this module is included as "demo-harvester.py".

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