
Latest version: v1.0.2

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- Removed ump_templater.py and update_uml.py. Scripts were moved to own repo: https://github.com/edeposit/uml_templater


- Added some missing tests.
- Fixed internal log bug.
- First release version.
- Minor changes and improvements.
- ``reactToAMQPMessage()`` parameters modified.
- isbn.py is no longer part of the edeposit.amqp.aleph, but `standalone module <https://github.com/edeposit/isbn_validator>`_.


- Into initializer were added checks for linux type - suse requires different settings than ubuntu.
- Small bugfix in initializer paths.
- initializer is now standalone script named as edeposit_proftpd_init.py.
- Fixed bug in passwd_reader.py: missing call to get_ftp_uid().
- Added checking of the /etc/proftpd/modules.conf file.


- Added readme.
- Added Czech and English workflow examples.
- Fixed bugs in initializer.py.


- Added almost all documentation.
- Added a lot of unittests.
- Created PYPI package.
- All decoders are now working.
- Project is almost ready for release version.


- JSON metadata parser is working.
- Added basic unittests for metadata decoders.

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