
Latest version: v0.5.0

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Add support for fast anneal protocol and improve performance.

New Features

- Add support for fast anneal protocol. Display the new solver parameter `fast_anneal` and the new solver property `fast_anneal_time_range` in the visualizer. See [\170](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/170)

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- Replace builtin JSON encoder with `orjson`, achieving 2-5x speed-up of problem and solver API endpoints.

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- Replace `WSGIAsyncServer` with `dwave.cloud.auth.server.BackgroundAppServer`, a more robust and stable multi-threaded server. By using a multi-threaded server we improve the visualizer app load time, as browsers can download static files and make API requests in parallel now. See [\165](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/165).

Upgrade Notes

- `dwave.inspector.utils.NumpyJSONProvider` is removed and no longer available. Use `orjson.dumps` with `option=orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY` instead.

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- Minimal version of `dwave-cloud-client` required is now 0.11.0 to support [\165](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/165) and fix [\#164](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/164).

Bug Fixes

- Omit legacy solver parameters, like `num_spin_reversal_transforms` and postprocessing params (`postprocess`, `beta`, `chains`) from the visualizer. See [\166](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/166) and [\#168](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/168).

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- Improve performance of the inspector server by postprocessing solver data inplace, saving one deep copy of solver metadata (~600kB for Advantage) on each API request of solver data.


New Features

- Add Python 3.12 support.


New Features

- Handle web browser requests to the inspector server with problem ID missing by redirecting to the last problem show() was called for.

Besides being practical, this mitigates issues in some environments/setups with URL rewriters/proxies dropping URL path and/or query.

Upgrade Notes

- Upgrade your python to 3.8+. We no longer support python 3.7 and below.


Bug Fixes

* Use `vcrpy`-compatible version of `urllib3` (`<2`) for testing in https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/pull/157
* Migrate to codecov's orb from the deprecated uploader in https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/pull/158
* Update examples to use newer QPU in https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/pull/155


Upgrade Notes

- The `.show()` call does not return a `RichDisplayURL` anymore. Instead, we reverted to returning URL in a plain `str`. Jupyter viewer will display the inspector inline if possible, otherwise the URL is opened in a browser.

To render the inspector URL inline in a Jupyter notebook cell, independently of the `.show()` call, you can do:

url = dwave.inspector.show(...)
from dwave.inspector.utils import RichDisplayURL

Bug Fixes

- Fix duplicated inline render of the Inspector in GUI Jupyter in case when the returned (rich URL) object is displayed in the same cell the `dwave.inspector.show()` was called. See [\152](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/152)


New Features

- Add support for jupyter-server-proxy. Inspector URL gets rewritten prior to opening/viewing according to external URL as defined by the new config environment variable: `DWAVE_INSPECTOR_JUPYTER_SERVER_PROXY_EXTERNAL_URL`. See [\144](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/144)

- Add support for Python 3.11

- Add support for dimod~=0.11.0 and dimod~=0.12.0

- Add support for running the inspector behind a network proxy. Now users can register a URL rewriter specific to their environment using the `inspectorapp_proxies` entry point. See [\141](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/141)

- Use relative API paths to enable app hosting on externally-configured paths (app\110). See [\146](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/146).

- Render inspector inline in Jupyter notebooks. See [\109](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/109) and [\#133](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/133).

Upgrade Notes

- Drop Python 3.6 support

- Drop dimod~=0.8.0 and dimod~=0.9.0 support

- Custom viewer can now return `False` to signal a non-blocking `show()` behavior is desired. Previously the value returned was ignored by the caller.

- Lower bound on Flask version is now 2.2.

Bug Fixes

- Improve error handling and display in `dwave-inspectorapp` (app\100)

- Make `show()` non-blocking regardless of the `block` argument when no viewer manages to open the inspector page. See [\139](https://github.com/dwavesystems/dwave-inspector/issues/139).

- Upgraded JSON serialization to use Flask's new `DefaultJSONProvider` (introduced in Flask 2.2). The "old" way is deprecated by Flask in 2.2, to be dropped in next minor release, 2.3.

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