
Latest version: v0.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 621854 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix syntax error heavenshell (134)
- Fix github actions heavenshell (133)
- Bump version 0.10.0 heavenshell (132)
- Fix release workflow heavenshell (131)
- Add renovate.json heavenshell (130)
- Fix stop use setuptools_scm for to manage versions manually heavenshell (128)
- Add pytest heavenshell (127)
- Update requirements.txt to latest heavenshell (126)
- completion Freed-Wu (125)



- Bump version 0.9.1 heavenshell (102)
- Update bandit to 1.7.1 pyup-bot (98)
- Update parso to 0.8.3 pyup-bot (99)
- added handling and test for bare raise statements diego-ponce (101)



- Update flake8-commas to 2.1.0 pyup-bot (96)
- Update flake8-comprehensions to 3.7.0 pyup-bot (92)
- Update jinja2 to 3.0.2 pyup-bot (90)
- Add read configuration from setup.cfg and pyproject.toml heavenshell (95)



- Bump version 0.8.1 heavenshell (88)
- fix: typo, genereate -> generate yaegassy (87)



- Bump version 0.8.0 heavenshell (86)
- Add ignore_init option for skip generate __init__ method heavenshell (85)
- Fix ignore spaces after parentheses heavenshell (84)
- Update flake8-comprehensions to 3.6.1 pyup-bot (81)
- Update pep8-naming to 0.12.1 pyup-bot (79)
- Update pep8-naming to 0.12.0 pyup-bot (78)
- Update jinja2 to 3.0.1 pyup-bot (77)
- Update jinja2 to 3.0.0 pyup-bot (76)
- Update flake8-comprehensions to 3.5.0 pyup-bot (75)
- Update flake8 to 3.9.2 pyup-bot (74)
- Update flake8 to 3.9.1 pyup-bot (73)
- Update parso to 0.8.2 pyup-bot (72)



- Bump version 0.7.0 heavenshell (71)
- Fix add eol heavenshell (70)
- Update flake8-docstrings to 1.6.0 pyup-bot (66)
- Update flake8-comprehensions to 3.4.0 pyup-bot (65)
- Update flake8 to 3.9.0 pyup-bot (64)
- Update jinja2 to 2.11.3 pyup-bot (63)
- Update parameterized to 0.8.1 pyup-bot (61)
- Update flake8-comprehensions to 3.3.1 pyup-bot (59)
- Update bandit to 1.7.0 pyup-bot (58)
- Update parso to 0.8.1 pyup-bot (57)
- Update flake8-print to 4.0.0 pyup-bot (55)
- Update flake8-debugger to 4.0.0 pyup-bot (54)

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