
Latest version: v0.10

Safety actively analyzes 620848 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Increase version number
* Add a ChangeLog file
* Add the AUTHORS file
* Update .gitignore file
* Fix flake8 issues
* Add tox.ini to the project
* Update unit tests
* Update requirements
* Update the documentation
* Add docker containers
* Update the settings file
* Package the application with PBR
* Add requirements
* Update README.rst
* Add note in the readme about searching new maintainer
* Fix default behavior of VectorField
* VectorField Defaults Should be Overrideable
* Remove .encode() from quotes method
* Update python3 string handling
* Fix django 1.8 support: using get_queryset instead of get_query_set
* Fix python3 compatibility
* Management command for updating search fields. Usage: ./ update_search_field [options] appname [model] Update search fields in all models or only in specified model



* Update version
* utf-8/unicode fixes AND tests
* ... and more utf-8 fixes
* adapt() expects utf-8 encoded strings
* Move those functions so they can be reused
* Bump version no
* Tests for Django 1.7 full text lookups
* Django 1.7 support
* Migrations & initial SQL for Django 1.7
* Renamed a few things & used psycopg2 quoting
* Pycharm & 2 virtual environments
* Support for abstract parent classes
* Support field lookups in Django 1.7
* Move GIS stuff to external module (fix 26)
* PyCharm
* Added support django gis
* Add 1.6 to the top of readme
* Update
* move search method from manager onto a custom queryset class
* Add a Bitdeli badge to README
* Adding search results headlines support



* Increment version to 0.9
* Update README with new entry: changelog
* Update
* Fix django 1.6 compatibility with transaction management
* Fix typo in
* Fixed 6 - Fixed wrong behavior on autoupdate indexes (thanks to ostronom)
* Increment version to 0.7
* fix import (broken for django 1.3 and 1.4)
* Fixed 3 - Now update_search_field of model instance is more flexible
* Python3 compatiblity. (Increment version to 0.5)
* Fix typo on README
* Increment version to 0.4.2
* Fix incorrect behavior on set fields with ranking. (Fix 2)



* Increment version to 0.4.1
* Removes unused foreign key from test models
* Fixes DatabaseError when ranking is applied with a join



* Add license and remove versiontools dependency
* Initial commit (import from django-orm-extensions)



Has known vulnerabilities

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