
Latest version: v2.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 619181 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Fix a bug where asynchronously firing a task (the default) would
raise an exception when run via Celery.


* Added support for Django 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, and 2.0.
* Dropped support for Django 1.7 and South.
* Dropped support for jingo_. Templates for the ``unsubscribe`` view are now
standard Django templates.
* Added ````, to avoid using the
pickle serializer, which has `security concerns`_.
* Added setting ``TIDINGS_TEMPLATE_EXTENSION`` to allow changing the
template extension used by the ``unsubscribe`` view from ``html`` to
``jinja``, ``j2``, etc.
* Migrated from a maximum length of 75 to 254, to follow the
EmailField update in Django 1.8.

.. _`security concerns`:
.. _jingo:


* Added support for Django 1.8 and Python 3
* Dropped support for Python 2.6


* Added support for Django 1.7
* Dropped support for Django 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6
* Dropped mock, Fabric and django-nose dependencies.
* Moved tests outside of app and simplified test setup.
* Added Travis CI:
* Moved to ReadTheDocs:


* Support Django 1.6.
* Fix a bug in reconstituting models under (perhaps) Django 1.5.x and up.
* Remove rate limit on ``claim_watches`` task.
* Add tox to support testing against multiple Django versions.


* Fix a deprecated celery import path.
* Add support for newer versions of Django, and drop support for older ones.
We now support 1.4 and 1.5.
* Add an initial South migration.

.. warning::

If you're already using South in your project, you need to run the following
command to create a "fake" migration step in South's migration history::

python path/to/ migrate tidings --fake

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