
Latest version: v3.0.0

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* 87 Drop py2 wheel tag from release package file.
* Add `CODE_OF_CONDUCT.rst` The linked text which has been referred to from CONTRIBUTING.rst is now included.

Incompatible Changes:

* 97 To specify SORTKEY for Redshift, you must use `django_redshift_backend.SortKey` for
`Model.Meta.ordering` instead of bearer string.

With this change, existing migration files that specify ordering are not affected.
If you want to apply SortKey to your migration files, please comment out the ordering option once and run
makemigrations, then comment in the ordering option and run makemigrations again.

* 97 `django_redshift_backend.distkey.DistKey` is moved to `django_redshift_backend.DistKey`.
However old name is still supported for a compatibility.

* 97 Now django-redshift-backend doesn't support `can_rollback_ddl`.
Originally, Redshift did not support column name/type(size) changes within a transaction.
Please refer

* 97 changed the behavior of implicit not null column addition.
previously, adding a not null column was implicitly changed to allow null.
now adding not null without default raises a programmingerror exception.


* 82 Add Python-3.10 support.
* 98 Add Django-4.0 support.
* 82 Drop Django-3.0 support.
* 98 Drop Django-3.1 support.
* 90,13,8: Support ` inspectdb`, also support working with the django-sql-explorer package.
Thanks to Matt Fisher.
* 63 Support changing a field from NOT NULL to NULL on migrate / sqlmigrate.
* 97 Support VARCHAR size changing for UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY, FOREIGN KEY.
* 97 Support backward migration for DROP NOT NULL column wituout DEFAULT.
One limitation is that the DEFAULT value is set to match the type. This is because the only way for
Redshift to add NOT NULL without default is to recreate the table.

Bug Fixes:

* 92,93: since django-3.0 sqlmigrate (and migrate) does not work.
* 37: fix Django `contenttype` migration that cause `ProgrammingError: cannot drop sortkey column
"name"` exception.
* 64: fix Django `auth` migration that cause `NotSupportedError: column "content_type__app_label"
specified as distkey/sortkey is not in the table "auth_permission"` exception.




* 76 fix test failing on django-dev with py36,py37
* 77 Mondernize setup.cfg and pyproject.toml


* 81 Add Django 3.2 support.

Bug Fixes:

* 80 uuid field doesn't work correctly with django 2.x and 3.x. Thanks to xavier-lr.



Bug Fixes:

* 74: set supports_aggregate_filter_clause=False (since Django-2.0) to disable FILTER WHERE syntax. Thanks to Michael Wheeler.
* 73: fix broken feature flags since Django-3.0: can_return_columns_from_insert and can_return_rows_from_bulk_insert. Thanks to Agustín Magaña.




* 70,71,72 Moved CI to GitHub Actions:
Thkanks to Bruno Alla.


* Drop Python 2.7 and 3.5 support.
* Drop Django 1.11, 2.0 and 2.1 support.
* 68 Add Python 3.8 and 3.9 support.
* 68 Add Django 3.0 and 3.1 support.

Bug Fixes:

* 69 Let users choose between psycopg2 binary or source. Thkanks to Bruno Alla.
* 65,66 Deprecation warning due to invalid escape sequences. Thanks to Karthikeyan Singaravelan.


* 67 Just a typo cleanup from refs.rst. Thanks to Kostja P.



* 60 Change dependencies to support Python 3.7 Thanks to Asher Foa.




* The first release from Jazzband_ organization.
* Using `Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable`.
* All GitHub/Travis/other URLs in this product has been migrated to `/jazzband/`.

New Features:

* 56 Support Django 2.1.
* 57 Support Python 3.7

Bug Fixes:

* 53,54: UUIDField django model field will cause clash. Thanks to Corentin Dupret.


* Adopt setuptools_scm for versioning from git tag.

.. _Jazzband:

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