
Latest version: v5.4.0

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- Connection factory goes to cache options (`680 <>`_)


- Added note in docs for correctly configuring hiredis parser when using redis-py version 5. (`677 <>`_)




- Add support for django 4 (`627 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Access `django_redis.cache.DJANGO_REDIS_SCAN_ITERSIZE` and `django_redis.client.herd.CACHE_HERD_TIMEOUT` in runtime to not read Django settings in import time. (`638 <>`_)
- Skipping pickle serializer test for django >= 4.2 (`646 <>`_)


- Speed up deleting multiple keys by a pattern with pipelines and larger itersize (`609 <>`_)
- Print full exception traceback when logging ignored exceptions (`611 <>`_)
- Fix mypy linting (`626 <>`_)
- Added support for python 3.11 (`633 <>`_)
- Fix CI, running tox<4 to still support Python 3.6. (`645 <>`_)
- Dropped support for django 2.2 and 3.1 (`649 <>`_)
- Run actions & tox against Django 4..2 (`668 <>`_)



Bug Fixes

- Block use with broken redis-py 4.0.0 and 4.0.1 (`542 <>`_)


- Unblock redis-py >=4.0.2 (`576 <>`_)
- Add support for django 4 (`579 <>`_)




- Add Python 3.10 to CI (`536 <>`_)
- Configured ``towncrier`` to generate the changelog. (`548 <>`_)
- Added ``django_redis.compressors.zstd.ZStdCompressor`` to provide ``pyzstd`` cache value compression. (`551 <>`_)
- Change pickle default version to Python default instead of highest version. (`555 <>`_)
- Add ``hiredis`` extra dependency to request ``redis[hiredis]``. (`556 <>`_)
- Add pexpireat to allow setting 'expire at' with millisecond precision. (`564 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- Make expire, pexpire, expireat and persist return the redis client value (`564 <>`_)


- Convert most unittest class tests to pytest tests. (`553 <>`_)
- Update type comments to type annotations. (`568 <>`_)
- Pin redis-py to 3.x until 4.x breaking changes can be addressed. (`570 <>`_)


- Clarify redis primary name in sentinel documentation. (`529 <>`_)
- Add documentation on configuring self signed SSL certificates. (`559 <>`_)



- supporting django 3.1 and django 3.2
- dropped support for python 3.5
- added support for python 3.9
- started type hinting the codebase
- ensure connections are closed
- fixed ``ShardClient`` ``.clear()`` method
- ``.delete()`` now returns boolean from django 3.1 onwards
- disconnect connection pools on ``.close()``
- added support for redis sentinel
- added ``.expire_at()`` method
- fixed ``.incr()`` when ttl is ``None`` or when the number is larger than 64 bit
- fixed ``.incr_version()`` when ttl is ``None``
- added ``.pttl()`` method to the clients to support milli-second precision for
ttl of a key
- added ``.pexpire()`` method to the clients to support milli-second precision
for setting expiry of a key



- No code changes.
- Fixed a typo in setup.cfg metadata preventing a successful release.

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