
Latest version: v1.2.0

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- Add support for Django 5.0 ([241](


- From Django >= 4.0, calls to `Node.render()` must always return a string, but this app previously allowed non-string values to be passed in the `default_html` parameter to `override_tag`. Passing a non-string now raises a `TypeError` when using Django >= 4.0, and raises a warning for older versions ([issue 211](


[1.1.0]( - 2023-10-25


- Add support for Django 4.2 ([231](


- Switch to the `poetry-core` build backend ([232](


- Drop support for Python 3.7 ([231](
- Drop support for Django 4.0 ([231](


- Ensure the project root is on `sys.path` so tests etc. can be run in by Docker Compose ([233](, [#234](
- Fix URL pattern matching for template with dashes in the file name ([229](, [#230](


[1.0.0]( - 2022-06-10

It’s official!


- We now use type hints for the package’s public API (`register_context_modifier` and `override_tag`) ([172](, [#189](


- We no longer support Django 2.2, as it has reached its end of life.



- Add a way to customise rendering of a pattern with [`is_pattern_library`]( context variable ([156](, [#167](
- Support for Django 4.0 ([164](
- Tentative support for Django 4.1 ([185](
- Support for Python 3.10 ([163](
- Tentative support for Python 3.11 ([185](
- VS Code devcontainer for development ([178](
- Documented the need to set `X_FRAME_OPTIONS = "SAMEORIGIN"` to see Django debug responses in the iframe UI ([186](
- New `/api/v1/render-pattern` [API endpoint to render patterns]( via POST requests, with the pattern’s context and tag overrides as a JSON body ([#104](, [#168](


- Change Poetry version to be `>=1.1.12,<2` in Docker development setup (prevents `JSONDecodeError` issue under Python 3.10) ([178](
- Move demo/test app pattern-library from `/pattern-library/` to `/` ([178](
- Allow `.yml` extension for YAML files ([161](, [#169](
- Python files are now formatted by `black` ([187](
- Fix potential Django 4.0 compatibility issue for components using non-string values in tag overrides ([166](, [#188](


- We no longer support Python 3.6, as it has reached its end of life ([163](
- Remove support for IE11 in pattern library UI ([151](, [#162](


[0.6.0]( - 2021-12-21

- Make `default_app_config conditional` to avoid [deprecation warnings]( for Django versions >= 3.2 ([153](, [#160](
- Define `AppConfig.default_auto_field` as [required since Django 3.2]( ([154](
- Support PyYAML v6 ([158](



Added support for '[context modifiers](' - A way to modify template contexts with Python ([141](, [#147](, [#106](

This addresses the following limitations of the pattern library:

- [10 No way to specify objects that have attributes and support iteration](
- [113 Django form fields not well supported](
- [135 Competing tag/context config for image provides inconsistent result](

View the [documentation](, as well as demos leveraging the new capability: [forms]( (see [forms and fields recipe](, and [pagination]( (see [pagination recipe](

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