
Latest version: v0.8.1

Safety actively analyzes 621420 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fixed management command with Django < 1.5 (fix `issue 23 <>`_ thanks to Wasil Sergejczyk)
- Fixed Django CMS handling (fix `issue 25 <>`_ thanks to Wasil Sergejczyk)
- Cache Django.js views and added ``settings.JS_CACHE_DURATION``
- Allow customizable Django.js initialization
- Allow manual reload of context and URLs
- Published Django.js on bower (thanks to Wasil Sergejczyk for the initial bower.json file)
- Do not automatically translate languages name in context



- Allow features to be disabled with:
- ``settings.JS_URLS_ENABLED``
- ``settings.JS_USER_ENABLED``
- ``settings.JS_CONTEXT_ENABLED``
- Added context black and white lists (``settings.JS_CONTEXT`` and ``settings.JS_CONTEXT_EXCLUDE``)
- Allow context serialization customization by inheritance with ``settings.JS_CONTEXT_PROCESSOR``
- Do not fail on import when parsing URLs (Fix `issue 7 <>`_ thanks to Wasil Sergejczyk)
- Treat starred non-capturing groups and starred characters as optionnals (Fix `issue 22 <>`_)
- Upgraded to jQuery 2.0.3 (and added 1.10.2)
- Upgraded to QUnit 1.12.0
- Added ``js`` management command.
- Extracted URLs handling and context handling into their own modules
- First contrib module: ``social_auth`` (thanks to Olivier Cortès)



- Reintroduce Python 2.6 support (thanks to Andy Freeland)
- Fix `issue 20 <>`_



- Handle Django 1.5+ custom user model
- Upgraded to jQuery 2.0.2 and jQuery Migrate 1.2.1



- Preserve declaration order in StorageGlobber.glob() (Fix `issue 17 <>`_)
- Fixes on localization on handling



- Upgraded to jQuery 2.0.0
- Package both minified and unminified versions.
- Load minified versions (Django.js, jQuery and jQuery Migrate) when DEBUG=False

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