
Latest version: v0.8.1

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- Patch development ``django-debug-toolbar`` version



- Migrated build system from ``setuptools`` to ``poetry``.
- Upgraded supported Python versions from 3.4-3.8 to 3.8+.
- Development: use black formatting and isort import ordering.



Released 2019-08-29

- Add initial example usage documentation
- Add setting to override MIME type for HTCPCP responses
- Add PyPI package version badge to README
- Add Python 3.8 dev build to Travis-CI config
- Change PyPI development status classifier to Beta
- Fix server name being overridden for non-HTCPCP requests
- Remove explicit module names from API documentation
- Remove supported Python and Django version badges from README



Released 2019-07-14

- Add units tests for ``middleware`` module
- Add units test for ``admin`` module
- Add check to strictly enforce HTCPCP MIME types
- Add setting to override the rot url view for HTCPCP requests
- Add documentation for overriding HTCPCP templates
- Add changelog to Sphinx documentation
- Add API summary to Sphinx documentation
- Add support for the extension to the ``Safe`` header field from RFC 2324
- Amend minor typo in ``utils`` module docstrings
- Expand unit tests for ``views`` module
- Move ``require_htcpcp`` decorator to the ``decorators`` module
- Update the package installation instructions



Released 2019-07-08

- Fix attribute error when running tests with Django 2.0 / Python 3.4



Released 2019-07-08

- Add unit tests for the ``views`` module
- Add formal support for Python 3.7
- Expand ``utils`` unit tests
- Fix missing ``Alternates`` header due to generator exhaustion
- Fix ``Server`` header override when the WSGI implementation does not populate the ``SERVER_SOFTWARE`` variable
- Fix detection of supported teas in the request URI
- Refactor handling of ``Alternates`` header generation
- Refactor the pots data fixture to include a pot that supports a proper subset of available teas

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