
Latest version: v1.0.0

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Released on March 19 2016

- workers can be sorted and filtered
- tasks can be sorted, filtered by name, state, worker, runtime, etc.
- tasks columns can be reordered and customized
- tasks columns for worker, retries, revoked, expires, eta, etc.
- pagination of tasks
- GitHub Auth support
- --max_workers option for limiting the number of workers
- --unix_socket option for running with unix socket
- bug fixes



Released on March 22 2015

- Google OAuth 2.0 support
- tasks can be sorted by state, received and started times
- tasks can be filters by time range
- --conf option to change the default configuration file
- --enable_events option to disable periodic `enable_events` commands
- show time in natural format (e.g. 3 minutes ago)
- format_task option to filter out sensitive information
- exceptions are shown as a result for failed tasks
- performance improvements
- improvements in monitor page
- improvements in docs
- improvements in logging
- bug fixes



Released on May 25 2014

- documentation
- --basic_auth option accepts multiple basic http auth users
- configuration options can be passed through `` file
- --cookie_secret option for setting secure cookie secret
- new task info api
- --auto_refresh option allows to disable dashboard auto-refreshes
- `received` and `started` time columns for tasks dashboard
- man page



Released on Nov 10 2013

- Python 3 support
- SSL support
- new api docs
- UI improvements
- api error reporting and validation improvements
- tasks api accepts `async_apply` options
- --debug option sets logging level to DEBUG
- tasks in RETRY state can be revoked
- --xheaders option enables X-Real-Ip/X-Forwarded-For and X-Scheme/X-Forwarded-Proto headers
- monitor update interval can be changed with `updateInterval` url param
- --broker_api option is not required for Redis



Released on Apr 23 2013

- broker monitor for RabbitMQ and Redis
- HTTP Basic Auth
- --auth option accepts an email regexp
- flower state can be saved with --persistent option
- database name can be changed with --db option
- number of in-memory tasks can be limited with --max_tasks option
- task runtime graph
- --url_prefix option allows to deploy flower on non-root URLs
- flower detects inactivity and stops inspecting workers



Released on Oct 16 2012

- tasks can be invoked via REST API
- inspect timeout can be changed with --inspect_timeout option
- flower --address option allows to bind to specific IP address
- tasks can be filtered by state
- broker url is available on workers page
- long args/kwargs are truncated on tasks page
- Google OpenID authentication

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