
Latest version: v0.9.18

Safety actively analyzes 619369 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Add support for Django 3.2
- Add support for Python 3.9-3.10
- Drop support for Python 3.6
- Switch CI from Travis to Github Actions
- Rename default branch from `master` -> `main`


- Run autoformatters provided by opstrich including pyupgrade, isort, and black
- Publish package to PyPi using opstrich task
- Drop support for Python 3.5

- Add `long_description_content_type` as Markdown in ``, correcting an issue where the package description failed to render correctly on PyPI

Note: PyPI now requires package descriptions to render. Therefore [v0.9.16]( could never be published to PyPI.


- Fix issue preventing conditions widget from rendering in Django 2.1+
- Add support for Django 3.0-3.1
- Add support for Python 3.8
- Drop support for Django 1.11-2.1
- Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.4


- Require `django-jsonfield` >= 1.1.0
- Add support for Django 2.1-2.2
- Add support for Python 3.7
- Drop support for Django 1.8-1.10

- FIX: Prevent users from pasting in whitespace into condition key and operand freetext

Note: [v0.9.14]( was a bad tag because it did not include the version bump in ``.

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