
Latest version: v2.6.0

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:release-date: 2024-03-03
:release-by: Christian Clauss

- Avoid crash when can not get human readable description (648).
- Update codeql-analysis.yml (653).
- Fix CI: Change assert to assert (664).
- Drop Django 4.0 from CI to avoid security issues (662).
- Fix Issue 388: Celery Beat scheduled tasks may be executed repeatedly (660).
- Update README.rst (670).
- Update runtime.txt to include Django 5.0 (681).
- Replace case.patching fixture with mockeypatch + MagicMock (692).
- Update README.rst - Crontab effect description (689).
- Update supported Python & Django version in (672).
- Add Python 3.12 to test matrix and add classifier (690).
- Django v5.0: django.utils.timezone.utc alias --> datetime.timezone.utc (703).
- Upgrade GitHub Actions and PyPy 3.10 and Django 5.0 (699).
- Testing Django v5.0 on pypy-3.10-v7.3.14 passes (705).
- Prepare for release v2.6.0 to support Py3.12 and Dj5.0 (712).
- GitHub Actions: Do not hardcode an out-of-date version of PyPy (715).
- Use the same order in the admin as in the cron schedule expression (716).
- Upgrade pip and GitHub Actions dependencies with dependabot (721).
- Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 (722).
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (723).
- Update pytest requirement from <8.0,>=6.2.5 to >=6.2.5,<9.0 (724).
- Remove requirements/test-djangoXY.txt (728).
- Remove code for unsupported django.VERSION < (3, 2) (729).
- Added sphinxcontrib-django to extensions (736).

.. _version-2.5.0:


:release-date: 2023-03-14 4:00 p.m. UTC+6:00
:release-by: Asif Saif Uddin

- Prefetch_related on PeriodicTaskQuerySet.enabled (608).
- Clarify month range (615).
- Declare support for Django 4.2 & Python 3.11.
- Adding human readable descriptions of crontab schedules (622).
- Start time heap block fix (636).

.. _version-2.4.0:


:release-date: 2022-10-19 7:15 p.m. UTC+6:00
:release-by: Asif Saif Uddin

- Fixed error path for zh-Hans translate (548).
- Django>=3.2,<4.2 (567).
- fix: downgrade importlib-metadata<5.0 until celery 5.3.0 release.
- Fixed signals can not connect to OneToOneField (572) (573).
- Remove superseded ExtendedQuerySet as it's functionality is built in.
- Wrapped fieldset labels of PeriodicTaskAdmin around gettext_lazy.
- fix: update PeriodicTask from entry (344).

.. _version-2.3.0:



- Admin "disable_tasks" action also updates PeriodicTask's last_run_at field
- feat: add periodic_task_name in favor of celery/django-celery-results
- Fix ClockedSchedule and PeriodicTasks showing UTC time when Time Zone
- Change last_run_at=None when using disable tasks admin action (501)
- fix the conflict with celery configuration (525)
- A unit Test to make sure ClockedSchedule and PeriodicTasks are shown
- Django 4.0 and Python 3.10 support (528)

.. _version-2.2.1:


:release-date: 2021-07-02 11:15 a.m. UTC+6:00
:release-by: Asif Saif Uddin

- Require celery>=5.0,<6.0
- Enable Django 3.2 CI and add default_auto_field
- Fix locale in dir tree
- Do not blindly delete duplicate schedules (389)
- Use `python:3.8-slim` for lighter builds

.. _version-2.2.0:


:release-date: 2021-01-19 2:30 p.m. UTC+6:00
:release-by: Asif Saif Uddin

- Fixed compatibility with django-timezone-field>=4.1.0
- Fixed deprecation warnings: 'assertEquals' in tests.
- Fixed SolarSchedule event choices i18n support.
- Updated 'es' .po file metadata
- Update 'fr' .po file metadata
- New schema migrations for SolarSchedule events choices changes in models.

.. _version-2.1.0:

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