
Latest version: v0.2.30

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Render feed, blog index and post detail without hitting the database
using only data from the respective repositories is now working. The
repository is passed from the feed / blog / post models to the blocks
just using the template context. And there's no need for monkeypatching
the page link handler anymore, since a new page link handler is now
set via the `register_rich_text_features` wagtail hook.

- 123 Fixed an audio key error when a preview page is saved
- 125 Add a hint (click to comment ) to feed descriptions of posts where comments are enabled
- 128 Update vite + jsdom + new javascript build
- 126 Render feed / blog index / post detail using only data from repository, not database




- 122 Sometimes galleries had no id -> re-publishing posts with those galleries fixed this
- 124 Implicit feed caching caused delivering sometimes the wrong feed
- 125 Use absolute link in feed when linking to a post (podcast clients break on relative links)



Feed performance improvements.

- 118 Fix performance for feeds with many items / images
- 121 Add support for [Wagtail 6](
- dropped support for Wagtail 4 and Django < 4.2
- some pre-commit and javascript updates



Bugfix release. Multiple galleries per post were not working when using the
default gallery layout.

- 117 Fix multiple galleries per post


Use a web component for the image gallery. Have a proper build pipeline
for the web components Javascript and some tests. Have a working htmx layout
for the gallery. It's still a bit slower compared to the web component, but
it's a start.

- 114 Use web component for image gallery
- Some cleanup regarding javascript paths etc. - using a global cast prefix for example
- 116 Gallery layout using htmx for bootstrap4 and 5 themes


Use the original image if no renditions are generated. Includes now a
management command to sync renditions. Revisited how the renditions are
passed to the template.

- 112 If no renditions are generated, use the original image as the default rendition
- 113 Management command to sync renditions
- Changed tox.ini to include Django 5.0 and removed Django 4.0

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