
Latest version: v1.2.14

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Bug fix release


- Fix 60: return a correctly dedented docstring when long docstring are using the D212 or D213 format.


- Add support for Python 3.11.

- Drop support for Python older than 3.7 in build systems like pytest and tox,
while ensuring the library remains production-compatible.

- Update GitHub workflow to run in recent Python versions.



Bug fix release


- Fix 45: Change the signature of the :func:`~deprecated.sphinx.deprecated` decorator to reflect
the valid use cases.

- Fix 48: Fix ``versionadded`` and ``versionchanged`` decorators: do not return a decorator factory,
but a Wrapt adapter.


- Fix configuration for AppVeyor: simplify the test scripts and set the version format to match the current version.

- Change configuration for Tox:

+ change the requirements for ``pip`` to "pip >= 9.0.3, < 21" (Python 2.7, 3.4 and 3.5).
+ install ``typing`` when building on Python 3.4 (required by Pytest->Attrs).
+ run unit tests on Wrapt 1.13 (release candidate).

- Migrating project to ` <>`_.



Bug fix release


- Avoid "Explicit markup ends without a blank line" when the decorated function has no docstring.

- Fix 40: 'version' argument is required in Sphinx directives.

- Fix 41: :mod:`deprecated.sphinx`: strip Sphinx cross-referencing syntax from warning message.


- Change in Tox and Travis CI configurations: enable unit testing on Python 3.10.



Bug fix release


- Fix packit configuration: use ``upstream_tag_template: v{version}``.

- Fix 33: Change the class :class:`~deprecated.sphinx.SphinxAdapter`:
add the ``line_length`` keyword argument to the constructor to specify the max line length of the directive text.
Sphinx decorators also accept the ``line_length`` argument.

- Fix 34: ``versionadded`` and ``versionchanged`` decorators don't emit ``DeprecationWarning``
anymore on decorated classes.


- Change the Tox configuration to run tests on Python 2.7, Python 3.4 and above (and PyPy 2.7 & 3.6).

- Update the classifiers in ````.

- Replace ``bumpversion`` by `bump2version <>`_ in ```` and documentation.

- Update configuration for Black and iSort.

- Fix the development requirement versions in ```` for Python 2.7 EOL.



Bug fix release


- Fix 25: ``deprecated`` respects global warning filters with actions other than "ignore" and "always" on Python 3.


- Change the configuration for TravisCI to build on pypy and pypy3.

- Change the configuration for TravisCI and AppVeyor: drop configuration for Python **3.4** and add **3.8**.



Bug fix release


- Fix 20: Set the :func:`warnings.warn` stacklevel to 2 if the Python implementation is `PyPy <>`_.

- Fix packit configuration: use ``dist-git-branch: fedora-all``.


- Change the Tox configuration to run tests on PyPy v2.7 and 3.6.

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