
Latest version: v0.9.0

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What's Changed
* [PLA-683][external] 2 Minor fixes for importing of PASCAL VOC annotations by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/783
* [PLA-696][external] Allow registration of single-slotted read-write files from external storage by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/785
* [DAR-1104][External] Fix colours mismatch between files on semantic mask export by AndriiKlymchuk in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/789
* [DAR-1104][Internal] Fix colours mismatch between files on semantic mask export by AndriiKlymchuk in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/792
* [PLA-702] Add dependabot for pip and GitHub Actions by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/787
* Bump debugpy from 1.6.7 to 1.8.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/798
* [PLA-756] Existing properties are now imported without a .v7/manifest.json file by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/791
* [PLA-639][External] Allow properties to be imported for annotations without IDs by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/803
* [PLA-699][external] Allow registration of multi-slotted read-write files from external storage by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/790
* Fixed bug when importing annotations with properties to non-default teams by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/813
* [PLA-801][external] fetch_remote_files() is called with an old, V1 argument by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/809
* [PLA-753][External] Combine the register & register_multi_slotted functions by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/810
* Bump ruff from 0.0.292 to 0.3.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/814
* [DAR-1609][External] pull() never creates the properties metadata file in the annotations directory by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/816
* Bump black from 22.12.0 to 24.3.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/804
* Bump actions/setup-python from 2 to 5 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/796
* [PLA-585][external] Allow imports where some annotation frames are missing a main type by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/788
* Bump aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials from 2 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/797
* Bump actions/github-script from 3 to 7 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/793
* Bump jinja2 from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/802
* Bump orjson from 3.9.10 to 3.10.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/807
* Bump idna from 3.6 to 3.7 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/812
* Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 by dependabot in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/794
* Revert "Bump actions/github-script from 3 to 7" by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/817
* Version bump to 0.8.59 by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/819

New Contributors
* dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/798

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/compare/v0.8.58...v0.8.59


What's Changed
* [PLA-591][external] Fix for pushing subfolder structures on Windows by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/778
* [MED-23][external] Support for export from Raster Layer to NifTI by tomvars in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/750
* [PLA-595] Don't create sub-annotation keyframe for every keyframe when importing annotations by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/779
* [PLA-546][external] Removal of V1 code by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/777
* [PLA-640] Updating metadata property values while importing annotations by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/780
* [DAR-991][Internal] Add support of hidden_areas to darwin py importer by AndriiKlymchuk in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/782
* [PLA-672][external] Support for importing simple_table annotations by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/781
* Housekeeping: bump version to `v0.8.58` by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/784

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/compare/v0.8.57...v0.8.58


What's Changed
* [PY-622][PY-626][PY-665] Import Properties (create/update) while importing annotations by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/759
* [Bug] Property import fixed, `options` -> `property_values` by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/774
* [DAR-214][external Fixed unhandled annotation types in 1.0 conversion by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/773
* [PY-658][external] Identified and correctly named all multi-processed functions by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/771
* [PLA-548][external] Resolved issue with item path filtering by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/776
* Housekeeping: bump version to `v0.8.57` by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/775

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/compare/v0.8.56...v0.8.57


What's Changed
* [PY-557] E2E test for Semantic Mask conversion by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/761
* Config changes required for pydantic model updates by Nathanjp91 in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/766
* Add assign batch action SDK by rslota in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/765
* [PY-601][PY-644] Advanced Filters support for ItemQuery by Nathanjp91 in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/768
* [DAR-5][internal] Remove CODEOWNERS from darwin-py by whilefalse in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/770
* [PY-664][PY-662] BUG: Rasters import for videos fails on darwin-py 0.8.54 by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/762
* Housekeeping: bump version to 0.8.56 by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/772

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/compare/v0.8.55...v0.8.56


What's Changed
* [PY-646][external] Resolved precision bug by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/763
* [PY-544][external] Item query & Item ID query sorting functionality + some linting by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/764

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/compare/v0.8.54...v0.8.55


What's Changed
* [py-578][py-580] get properties endpoints by Nathanjp91 in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/747
* [PY-646][external]Resolved precision bug & some linting by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/751
* Revert "Resolved precision bug & some linting (751)" by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/753
* [PY-618] Add properties to existing Annotation Objects by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/744
* [PY-623] Get team properties backported to client by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/749
* [PY-611] Silently ignore "empty" masks during import by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/741
* [PY-576][PY-581] Create + Update of properties by Nathanjp91 in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/756
* [PY-624][PY-625] Add creating/updating a property - backported to client by saurbhc in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/755
* [MED-22][external] import nifti to raster layer mask annotations by tomvars in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/725
* [PY-645][externa] Improved tolerance for dots in filenames & test linting by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/746
* [PY-647][external]Fixed cv2 import statement by JBWilkie in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/754
* [IO-1931][IO-1929] updates to versioning: PIL, Torch and python by Nathanjp91 in https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/pull/692

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/v7labs/darwin-py/compare/v0.8.53...v0.8.54

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