
Latest version: v0.0.2

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Now in Micropython - easier to develop and contribute.

What parts are in C?
- secp256k1 for elliptic curves operation
- hash functions
- display driver & GUI library (littlevgl)
- QR code encoding

All the bitcoin and app logic is in micropython.


Now the wallet is compatible with ColdCard that enforces BIP67.
We also only allow BIP67 addresses from now on.

With sorted pubkeys in multisig addresses you don't need to remember the order of signers any more.


Now you can sign multisig transactions!
Also includes multisig wallet creation and deletion.
Wallet screen allows to navigate through receiving addresses of the single-key or multisig addresses.


Adds reckless storage option to store your recovery phrase on the device.
No PIN, no encryption - just stores the mnemonic to make testing easier.


Information about this release:
- Switched to libwally & secp256k1
- Modular architecture - portable between platforms with minimal changes
- Signet support
- Single key PSBT signing, address verification, change detection
- Internal storage is used only for touchscreen calibration



- key generation & recovery
- optional passphrase
- address verification
- single-key signing
- displaying master public keys
- switching between testnet / regtest / mainnet
- somehow working with electrum ( change detection up to address 20 )

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