
Latest version: v4.14.0

Safety actively analyzes 619494 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Restructure the project and repackage the tool in a more modern way.
Introduce src layout and a `pyproject.toml` while deprecating ``.
Version tracking is now delegated to a dynamic file and old package data (old folders for BoW models deprecated in v4.4) have been deleted.
A new badge has been introduced to show what python versions are currently supported by Credential Digger (this point is often source of confusion as we have to rely on external libraries not necessarily supporting the latest available python versions). This badge will be updated only after the release of pypi package (it relies on metadata published there).

Minor version has been increased to better distinguish from the old package structure, even if it could also not be strongly needed in such a case.


- Update hyperscan dependency. New versions of python-hyperscan don't require installing the OS package (i.e., libhyperscan for linux or hyperscan for macOS) because it's statically linked inside the python package
- Support python versions 3.8 to 3.11
- update Dockerfile to use python3.10 instead of 3.9

- update dependencies
- update README


New features

- Add `get_discoveries_with_rules` method in both client and CLI
- Add endpoint for `scan_file` method in server/UI

- update dependencies

From v4.10 (not released before)
- enhance `get_discoveries` to also return the matching rule of a discovery. A `with_rule` optional parameter has been added (default to `False`)


New features:

- Add the possibility of scanning pull requests with `scan_pull_request` method.
All the new lines introduced (i.e., either added or modified) will be scanned
- Integrate the new features in CLI with `scan_pr` command
- Write tests and add documentation for the new features


New features

- A first version of pre-commit hook is released. The hook can be installed (also via pre-commit framework) or run as CLI.


- SqliteClient supports paths containing `~`
- `credentialdigger` can now be run as a command, without the `python -m` preamble


Main features:
- Use `hyperscan` version 0.2.0 (i.e., based on `libhyperscan5`) for python3.8 (was `hyperscan` 0.1.5 before, based on `libhyperscan4`).
- Add support for python 3.10
- Abandon python 3.6, whose eol was in 2021
- Bump requirements and make Credential Digger ready for ubuntu 22.04
- Update tests
- Fix bugs

Bugfixes details:
- 183
- 200
- 214
- 224 (bug in update discoveries functions)

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