
Latest version: v0.0.5

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- Allows `-v`, `--version` arguments to bypass other argument requirements


- catches `UserNotFoundException`s
- catches `NotAuthorizedException`s
- pulls region from user pool ID, not an argument


- initial release
- implements
- plugin management system
- core logic through default plugins
- custom exception classes for application error handling
- arguments can be sourced through config files (`./.cognito-login.yaml` then `~/.cognito-login.yaml`) or environment variables (shown in the `cognito-login --help` output)
- core functionality to use the warrant library to authenticate against a given user pool/app client with username and password and return the jwt. Catches when the user is in a `ForceChangePassword` state and will prompt for a new password. Also catches if the user is in a `PasswordResetRequired` state and prompts for both the new password and the password reset code



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