
Latest version: v4.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 621409 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Fix: Use MD5 for hash to avoid PYTHONHASHSEED issue.
- Fix: Give default dbfilename a more unique name, based on caller.
- BREAKING:Move ``Session.ex`` and ``Session.connection`` to ``Session.cache`` config object.
- Updated examples. New example demonstrates Memoize decorator.
- Updated requirements.



- Feature: Cache busting! Use keyword argument ``bust_cache=True`` to force reevaluation.
- Feature: Session automatically skips caching error responses.
- Feature: Callback argument to decide if results should be cached.
- Feature: Decorated Session methods share a centralized configuration per session.
- BREAKING: Remove global config, in favor component level config. Reasoning: Global config adds way too much complexity and adds too little value. (Everything needs to lazy load the config at the last moment)
- Fix: Unique cache per function in shared db.
- Fix: Tweaks to keep the classes sub classable.
- Fix: Cleaned up tests.
- Updated requirements.



- API completely rewritten
- New API extends ``requests`` internals as opposed to monkeypatching.
- Entire package is redesigned to be more maintainable, more modular, and more usable.
- Dependencies are pinned.
- Tests are expanded.
- PY26 and PY32 support is dropped, because of dependency constraints.
- PY35 support is added.
- Docs are rewritten.
- Move towards idiomatic code.
- 2.0.6 Fix broken coverage, broken rst render.



- First real release.
- Feature/ Unit test suite, very high coverage.
- Feature/ ``redislite`` integration.
- Feature/ Documentation.
- Feature/ Exposed the beefed up ``Memoize`` decorator.
- Feature/ Upgraded compatibility to:
- PY26
- PY27
- PY33
- PY34
- Added examples and case studies.



- First release on PyPI.



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