
Latest version: v0.6.4

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- Fix bug where `--new-version` value was not used when config was
present (thanks cscetbon ecordell
- Preserve case of keys config file (thanks theskumar
- Windows CRLF improvements (thanks thebjorn)


- Document file specific options `search =` and `replace =`
(introduced in 0.5.0)
- Fix parsing individual labels from `serialize =` config even if
there are characters after the last label (thanks mskrajnowski
- Fix: Don't crash in git repositories that have tags that contain
hyphens ([\51](https://github.com/peritus/bumpv/pull/51))
- Fix: Log actual content of the config file, not what ConfigParser
prints after reading it.
- Fix: Support multiline values in `search =`
- also load configuration from `setup.cfg` (thanks t-8ch


This is a major one, containing two larger features, that require some
changes in the configuration format. This release is fully backwards
compatible to *v0.4.1*, however deprecates two uses that will be removed
in a future version.

- New feature: [Part specific configuration](part-specific-configuration)
- New feature: [File specific configuration](file-specific-configuration)
- New feature: parse option can now span multiple line (allows to
comment complex regular expressions. See [re.VERBOSE in the Python
for details, [this
as an example.)
- New feature: `--allow-dirty`
- Fix: Save the files in binary mode to avoid mutating newlines
(thanks jaraco [\45](https://github.com/peritus/bumpv/pull/45)).
- License: bumpv is now licensed under the MIT License
- Deprecate multiple files on the command line (use a [configuration
file](configuration) instead, or invoke `bumpv` multiple times)
- Deprecate 'files =' configuration (use [file specific
configuration](file-specific-configuration) instead)


- Add --list option
- Use temporary files for handing over commit/tag messages to git/hg
- Fix: don't encode stdout as utf-8 on py3
- Fix: logging of content of config file was wrong


- Add --verbose option
- Allow option --serialize multiple times

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