
Latest version: v2024.1.1

Safety actively analyzes 619231 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- suppress warnings


- remove `imagetools.renderWAlphaOffset` as `blendLayers` now supports this:
def blendLayers(
background: Image.Image,
foreground: Image.Image,
blendType: BlendType | tuple[str, ...],
opacity: float = 1.0,
offsets: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
) -> Image.Image:

- better support for different sized images. Note if the background is smaller than the
foreground then some of the foreground will be cut off


- update dependencies
- ruff linting

2024 - 2024/01/07

- update dependencies

2023 - 2023/08/31

- Update deps

2022 - 2022/01/23

- Bump pillow version (CVE-2022-22815, CVE-2022-22816, CVE-2022-22817)
- Update tests
- Update deps


- Fix crash due to deprecation using a different function signature


- Use pre-commit to enforce reasonable standards + consistency
- Update readme with improved docs on installing and running python (fairly generic)
- Remove classifiers for license + python versions and rely on poetry to generate these
- Update tooling config (pyproject.toml)
- Convert images to RGBA for blending


- Use pre-commit to enforce reasonable standards + consistency
- Update readme with improved docs on installing and running python (fairly generic)
- Remove classifiers for license + python versions and rely on poetry to generate these
- Update tooling config (pyproject.toml)

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