
Latest version: v0.21.1

Safety actively analyzes 621363 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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* Changed ``dbus-fast`` dependency to include v2.x. Fixes 1412.



* Added ``bleak.uuids.normalize_uuid_16()`` function.
* Added ``bleak.uuids.normalize_uuid_32()`` function.
* Added ``advertisement_data()`` async iterator method to ``BleakScanner``. Merged 1361.
* Added type hints for kwargs on ``BleakScanner`` class methods.
* Added support for Python 3.12.

* Improved error messages when failing to get services in WinRT backend.
* Improved error messages with enum values in WinRT backend. Fixes 1284.
* Scanner backends modified to allow multiple advertisement callbacks. Merged 1367.
* Changed default handling of the ``response`` argument in ``BleakClient.write_gatt_char``.
Fixes 909.
* Bleak recipe now automatically installs bleak from GitHub release in Kivy example.
* Changed `BlueZManager` methods to raise `BleakError` when device is not in BlueZ.
* Optimized BlueZ backend device watchers and condition callbacks to avoid linear searches.
* Changed type hint for buffer protocol to ````.

* Fixed handling all access denied errors when enumerating characteristics on Windows. Fixes 1291.
* Added support for 32bit UUIDs. Fixes 1314.
* Fixed typing for ``BaseBleakScanner`` detection callback.
* Fixed possible crash in ``_stopped_handler()`` in WinRT backend. Fixes 1330.
* Reduced expensive logging in the BlueZ backend. Merged 1376.
* Fixed race condition with ``"InterfaceRemoved"`` when getting services in BlueZ backend.
* Fixed missing permissions and requirements in android Kivy example. Fixes 1184.
* Fixed WinRT backend sometimes hanging forever when a device goes out of range during connection. Fixes 1359.

Dropped support for Python 3.7.



* Fixed ``org.bluez.Error.InProgress`` in characteristic and descriptor read and
write methods in BlueZ backend.
* Fixed ``OSError: [WinError -2147483629] The object has been closed`` when
connecting on Windows. Fixes 1280.



* Fixed possible garbage collection of running async callback from ``BleakClient.start_notify()``.
* Fixed possible garbage collection of running async callback from ``BleakScanner(detection_callback=)``.
* Fixed possible garbage collection of disconnect monitor in BlueZ backend. Fixed 1258.



* Added ``BLEAK_DBUS_AUTH_UID`` environment variable for hardcoding D-Bus UID. Merged 1182.
* Added return type ``None`` to some scanner methods.
* Added optional hack to use Bluetooth address instead of UUID on macOS. Merged 1073.
* Added ``BleakScanner.find_device_by_name()`` class method.
* Added optional command line argument to use debug log level to all applicable examples.
* Added ``bleak.uuids.normalize_uuid_str()`` function.
* Added optional ``services`` argument to ``BleakClient()`` to filter services. Merged 654.
* Added automatic retry on ``le-connection-abort-by-local`` in BlueZ backend. Fixes 1220.

* Dropped ``async-timeout`` dependency on Python >= 3.11.
* Deprecated ``BLEDevice.rssi`` and ``BLEDevice.metadata``. Fixes 1025.
* ``BLEDevice`` now uses ``__slots__`` to reduce memory usage. Merged 1117.
* ```` is now ``None`` instead of empty service collection
until services are discovered.
* Include thread name in ``BLEAK_LOGGING`` output. Merged 1144.
* Updated PyObjC dependency on macOS to v9.x.

* Fixed invalid UTF-8 in ``uuids.uuid16_dict``.
* Fixed ``AttributeError`` in ``_ensure_success`` in WinRT backend.
* Fixed ``BleakScanner.stop()`` can raise ``BleakDBusError`` with ``org.bluez.Error.NotReady`` in BlueZ backend.
* Fixed ``BleakScanner.stop()`` hanging in WinRT backend when Bluetooth is disabled.
* Fixed leaking services when ``get_services()`` is cancelled in WinRT backend.
* Fixed disconnect monitor task not always cancelled on the BlueZ client. Merged 1159.
* Fixed WinRT scanner never calling ``detection_callback`` when a device does
not send a scan response. Fixes 1211.
* Fixed ``BLEDevice`` name sometimes incorrectly ``None``.
* Fixed unhandled exception in ``CentralManagerDelegate`` destructor on macOS. Fixes 1219.
* Fixed object passed to ``disconnected_callback`` is not ``BleakClient``. Fixes 1200.



* Fixed more issues with getting services in WinRT backend.

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