
Latest version: v0.10.0

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:boom: Breaking changes

- Renamed the base class for exceptions to `BigXmlError` in conformance with PEP8

:rocket: Added

- Add documentation to explain how to import the library
- Warnings due to wrong usage are now using `UserWarning` instead of `RuntimeWarning`
- Undocumented parameter `insecurely_allow_entities` to `Parser`

:house: Internal

- Necessary code changes following dev dependency update: mypy
- Use ruff for linting (and remove isort)


v0.9.0 introduces custom exceptions.

:boom: Breaking changes

- All exceptions raised due to invalid stream content are now instances of
`BigXmlException` instead of `xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError` or

:bug: Fixes

- Add a workaround against pylint `not-an-iterable` false-positive on `iter_from`

:house: Internal

- Necessary code changes following dev dependency update: mypy, pylint, pytest
- Add tests for CPython 3.11
- Use CPython 3.11 for misc. tests
- Update Github actions dependencies


:boom: Breaking changes

- End of Python 3.6 support

:bug: Fixes

- Fix an edge case when a class decorated with `xml_handle_text` has an attribute
decorated with `xml_handle_element`

:rocket: Added

- Type hints
- New export: `HandlerTypeHelper` that can help with type hints in some cases
- Sanity check on `xml_handler` method of class handlers for returned values (`None` or
an iterable)

:house: Internal

- Add tests for PyPy 3.9
- Refactor handler creator code
- Type validation with mypy
- Distribute `py.typed` file in conformance with [PEP 561]
- Update `typing-extensions` dependency

[pep 561]:


v0.7.0 improves dependencies requirements.

:rocket: Added

- Don't use upper bound constraints on dependencies
- Specify the Python versions required in package metadata

:house: Internal

- Improving memory consumption tests by using `tracemalloc` instead of `resource`


v0.6.1 is a minor release.

:house: Internal

- Don't deploy src dir for docs
- Fix minor issues found by automated tools
- Add tests for CPython 3.10 and PyPy 3.8
- Use CPython 3.10 for misc. tests
- Clarify which Python versions are supported in docs
- Update `dataclasses` dependency (Python 3.6 only)


:boom: Breaking changes

- Classes as handlers without a `xml_handler` method now yield the instance instead of
items yielded by sub-handlers

:bug: Fixes

- An exception was raised when using a class handlers without any sub-handler attributes
- Fix an error in some Python version for class handlers extending some builtins without
redefining `__init__`

:memo: Documentation

- Add detailed documentation, available online at <>

:house: Internal

- Test against some XML attacks
- Tests are now run in Python Development Mode
- Update `defusedxml` dependency

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