
Latest version: v0.18.0

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New features

- Add new example data `rugby_field` and update `rugby` example data ([2322](
- Support for `pytree`s and robust to nested dictionaries. ([2291](
- Add `.close` method to `InferenceData` ([2338](

Maintenance and fixes
- Fix deprecation warnings in multiple dependencies ([2329](,
[2332]( and [2333](


Maintenance and fixes
- Fix deprecations introduced in latest pandas and xarray versions, and prepare for numpy 2.0 ones ([2315](
- Refactor ECDF code ([2311](
- Fix `plot_forest` when Numba is installed ([2319](


New features
- Add prior sensitivity diagnostic `psens` ([2093](
- Add filter_vars functionality to `InfereceData.to_dataframe`method ([2277](

Maintenance and fixes

- Update requirements: matplotlib>=3.5, pandas>=1.4.0, numpy>=1.22.0 ([2280](
- Fix behaviour of `plot_ppc` when dimension order isn't `chain, draw, ...` ([2283](
- Avoid repeating the variable name in `plot_ppc`, `plot_bpv`, `plot_loo_pit`... when repeated. ([2283](
- Add support for the latest CmdStanPy. ([2287](
- Fix import error on windows due to missing encoding argument ([2300](
- Add ``__delitem__`` method to InferenceData ([2292](

- Improve the docstring of `psislw` ([2300](
- Rerun the quickstart and working with InferenceData notebooks ([2300](

- Several fixes in `plot_ppc` docstring ([2283](


Maintenance and fixes

- Fix Numba deprecation errors and incorrect nopython usage ([2268](


- Rerun Numba notebook


New features

- Add InferenceData<->DataTree conversion functions ([2253](
- Bayes Factor plot: Use arviz's kde instead of the one from scipy ([2237](
- InferenceData objects can now be appended to existing netCDF4 files and to specific groups within them ([2227](
- Added facade functions `az.to_zarr` and `az.from_zarr` ([2236](

Maintenance and fixes

- Replace deprecated np.product with ([2249](
- Fix numba deprecation warning ([2246](
- Fixes for creating numpy object array ([2233]( and [2239](
- Adapt histograms generated by plot_dist to input dtype ([2247](


New features

Maintenance and fixes

- Fix memory usage and improve efficiency in `from_emcee` ([2215](
- Lower pandas version needed ([2217](



- Update documentation for various plots ([2208](

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