
Latest version: v0.4.4

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* Add Github Action that build & pushes to PYPI index


- Adds nlwiki models with sample of probable D, C, and B-class articles for review
- Allow setting custom classes and weights when extracting scores
- Added `non-external-id` statement count as a signal
- Add tests to ensure item parts are being counted correctly
- Add check for image and commons media
- Add retraining model documentation
- Add `is_astronomical_object` feature for wikidatawiki
- Add `is_scholarlyarticle` feature to wikidatawiki
- Add test instructions
- Add some basic installation instructions
- Add new ukwiki model
- Added `words_to_watch` to ptwiki `feature_lists`
- Add `weighted_sum` utility

- Rebuilds enwiki model with revscoring 2.11.1
- Builds new model for nlwiki using new features and manual labels
- Remove impactless property suggester feature
- Builds new wikidata model
- Remove number of sitelinks signal from wikibase item quality model
- Reduce the size of wikidata model and simplify its logic
- Move tests to outside of the production code
- Rebuilds ptwiki models with revscoring-2.8.2
- Rebuilds all models with revscoring-2.8.2
- Increase revscoring version requirement
- Update Makefile to remove revisions older than 2014
- Rebuild enwiki model with new image counts
- Rebuilds ptwiki models with more observations

- Fix `extract_scores` utility
- Fix fatal error when creating the model info
- Fix module names import type
- Convert page id to string explicitly
- Fix extraction when there are multiple reverts
- Match articles to talk pages using the API
- Detect labels in old ptwiki templates
- Fix typo in `user_agent`
- Fix misleading dataset filenames
- Update `extract_labelings` doc
- Fix doc for ptwiki extractor


- Feature list for ptwiki

- Bumped revscoring to v2.5.1

- Old code examples (`examples/` and `examples/`)


- Bumped revscoring to v2.4.x
- Added `content_type` param to
- Minor formatting edits in README


- Added features for English Wikipedia's short-format notes.
- Release Criteria document
- svwiki feature lists
- Added ability to do a fast filtering pass before parsing wikitext.
- Added svwiki extractor.
- Added Wikibase item features.
- Added `util` utility helpers.
- Added `fetch_labels` utilities.
- Added trwiki extractor.
- Added `words_to_watch` count to enwiki feature lists.
- Added new features to wikidatawiki - (glorianY)
- Added basic extraction pattern for item quality model.
- Added Persian Wikipedia features.
- Added glwiki feature lists.
- Adds `item_completes` to wikidatawiki.

- Rename wikiclass to articlequality.
- Bumped revscoring to v2.3.4
- Updated `fetch_text` for new `rvslots` API param.
- Remove target files when commands error out.
- Replaced filenames with automatic Make variables.
- Update classification examples to revscoring 2.x
- Started using TravisCI for automated builds.
- Use PyTest for testing now.
- Rename pagelevel prediction classes in frwikisource.
- Rename `wp10` -> `articlequality`.
- Change wikidatawiki models to use GradientBoosting.

- Fixed bug in `fetch_item_info`.
- Update in wikiclass folder to the right github link.
- Resolved mwxml/mwtypes version conflict.
- Fixed "who" templates in enwiki features.
- Fixed trwiki extractor so that it works for 'baslagıç'.


- Added feature lists for ruwiki.
- Added `extract_scores` utility.

- Implemented modular `` pattern for pkg info.
- Bumped revscoring to v1.3.0
- Add HTML comment filtering to Russian extractor
- Added testcase to ruwiki extractor.
- Switched RF for GradientBoosting models in Makefile.
- Cleaned up `extract_from_text` utility.

- Wrong variable name in frwiki extractor.
- Fixed division with modifiers in `wikipedia.article`.

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