
Latest version: v1.6.19

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released 2024-04-23

New Features

* Add new plan for edge alignment called edge_align
* Added a mesh grid scan plan that will collect until number of collection points is met


* lineup2() should work with low intensity peaks.
* lineup2() would raise ZeroDivideError in some cases.
* Increase minimum aps-dm-api version to 8.
* Race condition with SR570 pre-amp.


* Code format conforms to 'ruff'.
* Add additional support for APS Data Management API.
* Make the home page more concise.
* Refactor packaging from setup.py to pyproject.toml.



released 2024-01-23

New Features

* Add (ophyd) device support for:
* DG-645 digital delay/pulse generator.
* Measurement Computing USB CTR08 High-Speed Counter/Timer
* Simulated process controller as positioner using EPICS swait record.
* Simulated process controller as positioner using EPICS transform record.
* synApps userArrayCalcs and EPICS acalcout record.
* Add subnet check for APSU beamlines.
* Add template support for writing NeXus/HDF5 files.
* New lineup2() plan can be used in console, notebooks, and queueserver.


* Fix ``AD_full_file_name_local()`` for case when the read & write paths are identical.


* Avoid voltage spikes when changing gain of SRS570 preamplifier.
* In ``listdevice(show_pv=True)``, set ``cname=True, dname=False`` if not provided by caller.
* Move ``.OVAL`` field from ``EpicsRecordOutputFields to new ``EpicsRecordAnalogOutputFields``
* Write tables of plot statistics in most compact form.

Known Problems

* Remove ``ScalerMotorFlyer``, pending issue 763.



released 2023-07-19

New Features

* Add ophyd device support for APS Data Management workflows.



released 2023-05-23


* Add ``fb_epid`` database support from the optics module.
* Add guide *How to interrupt/stop/abort a running plan & recover to safe settings*.
* Add ``close_pv`` & ``open_pv`` kwargs to ``ApsPssShutter``
* Add ``ensure_AD_plugin_primed()`` convenience function.
* Made ``listdevice()`` more tolerant of unconnectable signals.


* APS cycle set to ``APSU`` during this *dark* year.
* Resolve AD ERROR reports "capture not supported in Single mode".


* Add unit tests for shutters.
* Apply consistent code style (black) throughout.
* Set ``kind`` attribute to add plugin to ad.read_attrs list.
* Clear ``PVPositionerSoftDone``'s setpoint & readback subscriptions at exit.



released 2023-03-27


* add ``log_path=None`` kwarg to ``apstools.utils.stream_log_handler()``


- resolved ``AttributeError`` for certain logging configurations



released 2023-03-12

Breaking Changes

* listobjects() ``printing`` keyword argument is deprecated.
* ListRuns.to_dataframe()' method is deprecated.
* ListRuns.to_table() method is deprecated.
* listruns() ``printing`` keyword argument is deprecated.
* listruns() ``tablefmt`` keyword argument is deprecated. Use ``table_style`` instead.
* listruns() now returns pyRestTable.Table or pandas.DataFrame

New Features

* MeasCompTc32: Measurement Computing TC-32 Thermocouple reader


* Add guide *What are the objects to control?*


- labels_to_streams(): do not plot items in the labeled stream
- labels_to_streams(): failed when no motor label assigned


* add more unit tests for ``apstools.plans``
* addDeviceDataAsStream() renamed to write_stream()
* FileWriterCallbackBase.file_name now a property, uses pathlib
* listobjects() now returns pyRestTable (by default)
* listdevice() now returns pyRestTable (by default)
* listplans() now returns pyRestTable (by default)
* listruns() now returns pyRestTable (by default)
* NXWriter: unit tests added for proper NXdataaxes structure.

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