
Latest version: v0.6.8a0

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Change Log

- Fix `ItemModeration._add_removal_reason()` and `remove()`. (121)
- Fix endpoint format for `removal_comment_message`, `removal_link_message`, `removal_reasons`.
- Fix `ModAction.mod()`. (123)


Change Log

- Fix `ModmailMessage.author()`. (118)
- Make `class ModmailMessage` inherit from `class aPRAWBase`. (118)
- Update `class ModmailConversation` docstrings. (118)


Change Log

- Add `PostModeration.flair()`. (116)
- Add support to fetch modmail by ID (109)
- Fix fetching submissions and comments by URL. (110)
- Add support to ban users on a subreddit. (114)
* Implement `SubredditBanned.__call__()` and `remove()`.
* Add `class RedditorMixin`, `class BannedUser`.
- Add support to mute, archive and reply to modmail. (115)
* Add `mark_read` to `SuberdditModmail.__call__()` and `ModmailConversation.fetch()`.
* Remove `ModmailConversation.full_data()` and update logic in `fetch()`.
* Fix `ModmailConversation.messages()`.
* Implement `ModmailConversation.highlight()` and `remove_highlight()`.


- Fix typing of `CIMultiDictProxy` for older versions of Python.
- Add `_url` param to `RequestHandler.get()`. (109)
- Fix `aPRAWBase.fullname` when `name` not present. (110)
- Optimize `Submission._update()`. (110)
- Optimize imports.
- Refactor `class ListingGenerator` private members. (114)


- Add `test_submission_mod_flair`.
- Add `test_subreddit_modmail`.
- Optimize tests.
- Update `test_reddit_comment` and `test_reddit_submission`.
- Add `test_modmail`, `test_modmail_conversation_reply`, `test_modmail_messages`, `test_modmail_conversation_archive`, `test_modmail_conversation_highlight` and `test_modmail_conversation_mute`.


Change Log

- Add `class BoundedSet` exposed under `apraw.utils`.


Change Log

- Add support for subreddit settings and `class SubredditSettings`. (106)
- Add support for multireddits such as "askreddit+askouija". (106)


Change Log

- Add Parameters `mod_note` and `reason` to `ItemModeration.remove()`. (104)
- Fix usage of private member `_reddit` in certain mixin classes. (104)
- Update typing of subreddit removal reason and wiki classes as well as `class MoreComments`. (102)
- Add docs for subreddit removal reason, wiki, message and comment classes. (102)
- Add `reddit` argument to `class SubredditWiki.__init__()`. (102)
- Implement `MoreComments.__aiter__()`. (102)
- Create `class LinkMixin` used by `class MoreComments` and `class Comment`. (102)
- Callable via `more_comments.link()`, `comment.link()` or `submission()` alias.

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