
Latest version: v1.4.4

Safety actively analyzes 621924 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- [PR 92] Don't import appdirs from which resolves issue 91
- [PR 100] Corrects the config directory on OSX/macOS, which resolves issue 63.

Project officially classified as Stable which is important
for inclusion in other distros such as ActivePython.


- [PR 76] Python 3.6 invalid escape sequence deprecation fixes
- Fix for Python 3.6 support


- [PR 84] Allow installing without setuptools
- [PR 86] Fix string delimiters in description
- Add Python 3.6 support


- [issue 38] Fix _winreg import on Windows Py3
- [issue 55] Make appname optional


- [PR 42] AppAuthor is now optional on Windows
- [issue 41] Support Jython on Windows, Mac, and Unix-like platforms. Windows
support requires `JNA <>`_.
- [PR 44] Fix incorrect behaviour of the site_config_dir method


- [Unix, issue 16] Conform to XDG standard, instead of breaking it for
- [Unix] Removes gratuitous case mangling of the case, since \*nix-es are
usually case sensitive, so mangling is not wise
- [Unix] Fixes the utterly wrong behaviour in ``site_data_dir``, return result
based on XDG_DATA_DIRS and make room for respecting the standard which
specifies XDG_DATA_DIRS is a multiple-value variable
- [Issue 6] Add ``*_config_dir`` which are distinct on nix-es, according to
XDG specs; on Windows and Mac return the corresponding ``*_data_dir``

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