
Latest version: v1.0.0

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Not secure
- **Important Note and Breaking Changes:**
- **BREAKING**: Python 3.6 is no longer supported and may not function properly, Python 3.11 support is added and tested.
- **BREAKING**: A number of common configuration options and environment variables are renamed to follow the convention of Java agent,
please check with the latest official documentation before upgrading. (273, 282)
- **BREAKING**: All agent core capabilities are now covered by test cases and enabled by default (Trace, Log, PVM runtime metrics, Profiler)
- **BREAKING**: DockerHub Python agent images since v1.0.0 will no longer include the `run` part in `ENTRYPOINT ["sw-python", "run"]`,
user should prefix their command with `[-d/--debug] run [-p/--prefork] <Command>` for extra flexibility.
- Packaged wheel now provides a extra [all] option to support all three report protocols

- Feature:
- Add support for Python 3.11 (285)
- Add MeterReportService (gRPC, Kafka reporter) (default:enabled) (231, 236, 241, 243)
- Add reporter for PVM runtime metrics (default:enabled) (238, 247)
- Add Greenlet profiler (246)
- Add test and support for Python Slim base images (249)
- Add support for the tags of Virtual Cache for Redis (263)
- Add a new configuration `kafka_namespace` to prefix the kafka topic names (277)
- Add log reporter support for loguru (276)
- Add **experimental** support for explicit os.fork(), restarts agent in forked process (286)
- Add **experimental** sw-python CLI `sw-python run [-p]` flag (-p/--prefork) to enable non-intrusive uWSGI and Gunicorn postfork support (288)

- Plugins:
- Add aioredis, aiormq, amqp, asyncpg, aio-pika, kombu RMQ plugins (230 Missing test coverage)
- Add Confluent Kafka plugin (233 Missing test coverage)
- Add HBase plugin Python HappyBase model (266)
- Add FastAPI plugin websocket protocol support (269)
- Add Websockets (client) plugin (269)
- Add HTTPX plugin (283)

- Fixes:
- Allow RabbitMQ BlockingChannel.basic_consume() to link with outgoing spans (224)
- Fix RabbitMQ basic_get bug (225, 226)
- Fix case when tornado socket name is None (227)
- Fix misspelled text "PostgreSLQ" -> "PostgreSQL" in Postgres-related plugins (234)
- Make sure `span.component` initialized as Unknown rather than 0 (242)
- Ignore websocket connections inside fastapi temporarily (244, issue9724)
- Fix Kafka-python plugin SkyWalking self reporter ignore condition (249)
- Add primary endpoint in tracing context and endpoint info to log reporter (261)
- Enforce tag class type conversion (262)
- Fix sw_logging (log reporter) potentially throw exception leading to traceback confusion (267)
- Avoid reporting meaningless tracecontext with logs when there's no active span, UI will now show empty traceID (272)
- Fix exception handler in profile_context (273)
- Add namespace suffix to service name (275)
- Add periodical instance property report to prevent data loss (279)
- Fix sw_logging when `Logger.disabled` is true (281)

- Docs:
- New documentation on how to test locally (222)
- New documentation on the newly added meter reporter feature (240)
- New documentation on the newly added greenlet profiler and the original threading profiler (250)
- Overhaul documentation on development setup and testing (249)
- Add tables to state currently supported features of Python agent. (271)
- New configuration documentation generator (273)

- Others:
- Pin CI SkyWalking License Eye (221)
- Fix dead link due to the 'next' url change (235)
- Pin CI SkyWalking Infra-E2E (251)
- Sync OAP, SWCTL versions in E2E and fix test cases (249)
- Overhaul development flow with Poetry (249)
- Fix grpcio-tools generated message type (253)
- Switch plugin tests to use slim Python images (268)
- Add unit tests to sw_filters (269)


Not secure
- Feature:
- Update mySQL plugin to support two different parameter keys. (186)
- Add a `SW_AGENT_LOG_REPORTER_SAFE_MODE` option to control the HTTP basic auth credential filter (200)

- Plugins:
- Add Psycopg(3.x) support (168)
- Add MySQL support (178)
- Add FastAPI support (181)
- Drop support for flask 1.x due to dependency issue in Jinja2 and EOL (195)
- Add Bottle support (214)

- Fixes:
- Spans now correctly reference finished parents (161)
- Remove potential password leak from Aiohttp outgoing url (175)
- Handle error when REMOTE_PORT is missing in Flask (176)
- Fix sw-rabbitmq TypeError when there are no headers (182)
- Fix agent bootstrap traceback not shown in sw-python CLI (183)
- Fix local log stack depth overridden by agent log formatter (192)
- Fix typo that cause user sitecustomize.py not loaded (193)
- Fix instance property wrongly shown as UNKNOWN in OAP (194)
- Fix multiple components inconsistently named on SkyWalking UI (199)
- Fix SW_AGENT_LOGGING_LEVEL not properly set during startup (196)
- Unify the http tag name with other agents (208)
- Remove namespace to instance properties and add pid property (205)
- Fix the properties are not set correctly (198)
- Improved ignore path regex (210)
- Fix sw_psycopg2 register_type() (211)
- Fix psycopg2 register_type() second arg default (212)
- Enhance Traceback depth (206)
- Set spans whose http code > 400 to error (187)

- Docs:
- Add a FAQ doc on `how to use with uwsgi` (188)

- Others:
- Refactor current Python agent docs to serve on SkyWalking official website (162)
- Refactor SkyWalking Python to use the CLI for CI instead of legacy setup (165)
- Add support for Python 3.10 (167)
- Move flake configs all together (169)
- Introduce another set of flake8 extensions (174)
- Add E2E test coverage for trace and logging (199)
- Now Log reporter `cause_exception_depth` traceback limit defaults to 10
- Enable faster CI by categorical parallelism (170)


Not secure
- Feature:
- Support collecting and reporting logs to backend (147)
- Support profiling Python method level performance (127
- Add a new `sw-python` CLI that enables agent non-intrusive integration (156)
- Add exponential reconnection backoff strategy when OAP is down (157)
- Support ignoring traces by http method (143)
- `NoopSpan` on queue full, propagation downstream (141)
- Support agent namespace. (126)
- Support secure connection option for GRPC and HTTP (134)

- Plugins:
- Add Falcon Plugin (146)
- Update `sw_pymongo.py` to be compatible with cluster mode (150)
- Add Python celery plugin (125)
- Support tornado5+ and tornado6+ (119)

- Fixes:
- Remove HTTP basic auth credentials from log, stacktrace, segment (152)
- Fix `trace` decorator not work (136)
- Fix grpc disconnect, add `SW_AGENT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE` to control buffer queue size (138)

- Others:
- Chore: bump up `requests` version to avoid license issue (142)
- Fix module wrapt as normal install dependency (123)
- Explicit component inheritance (132)
- Provide dockerfile & images for easy integration in containerized scenarios (159)


Not secure
- Fixes:
- Segment data loss when gRPC timing out. (116)
- `sw_tornado` plugin async handler status set correctly. (115)
- `sw_pymysql` error when connection haven't db. (113)


Not secure
- New plugins
- Pyramid Plugin (102)
- AioHttp Plugin (101)
- Sanic Plugin (91)

- API and enhancements
- `trace` decorator supports `async` functions
- Supports async task context
- Optimized path trace ignore
- Moved exception check to `Span.__exit__`
- Moved Method & Url tags before requests

- Fixes:
- `BaseExceptions` not recorded as errors
- Allow pending data to send before exit
- `sw_flask` general exceptions handled
- Make `skywalking` logging Non-global

- Chores and tests
- Make tests really run on specified Python version
- Deprecate 3.5 as it's EOL

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