
Latest version: v1.6.5

Safety actively analyzes 621688 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


๐Ÿ› Bug Fix

- Add listconfigs to examples/git-annex-remote-directory + a test for that [101]( ([yarikoptic](
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black to v24.3.0 [99]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black to v24 [98]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- Update pre-commit hook psf/black to v23.12.0 [95]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- Update actions/setup-python action to v5 [96]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))

๐Ÿ  Internal

- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black to v24.4.0 [102]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))

Authors: 2

- [renovate[bot]]([bot])
- Yaroslav Halchenko ([yarikoptic](



๐Ÿ  Internal

- Fix build - remove setuptools-git-versioning from pyproject.toml and also from MANIFEST [94]( ([yarikoptic](

Authors: 1

- Yaroslav Halchenko ([yarikoptic](



๐Ÿ› Bug Fix

- Add actual twine upload call to .autorc to fix release to make it appear on PyPI [91]( ([yarikoptic](

๐Ÿ  Internal

- Revert "Add "workflow_dispatch:" as a way to trigger workflow" [92]( ([yarikoptic](
- Add "workflow_dispatch:" as a way to trigger workflow [92]( ([yarikoptic](

Authors: 1

- Yaroslav Halchenko ([yarikoptic](



๐Ÿ› Bug Fix

- Fix invalid escape sequences in test regexes [76]( ([musicinmybrain](
- Add 3.10 and 3.11 into the mix of supported Pythons [62]( ([yarikoptic](
- Migrate from to pyproject.toml [51]( ([Lykos153](

โš ๏ธ Pushed to `master`

- Remove support for Python 3.6 (EOL) ([Lykos153](

๐Ÿ  Internal

- Use intuit auto for release [73]( ([yarikoptic](
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 [79]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black to v23.9.1 [77]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- chore(deps): update codespell-project/actions-codespell action to v2 [74]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black to v23.3.0 [70]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- chore(deps): update pre-commit hook psf/black to v23 [68]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v3 [58]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- Add codespell CI, fix typos with 1 of its runs with -w [63]( ([yarikoptic](
- Update pre-commit hook psf/black to v22.8.0 [57]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- Update pre-commit hook psf/black to v22.6.0 [56]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- renovate: Add pre-commit [55]( ([Lykos153](
- Update actions/setup-python action to v4 [50]( ([renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- Configure pre-commit for nosetests [54]( ([Lykos153](
- Use black [53]( ([Lykos153](
- Update Versioneer to 0.22 [49]( ([hugovk]( [Lykos153](
- Use versions instead of commit hashes for actions [48]( ([Lykos153](
- Update actions/checkout action to v3 [43]( ([renovate-bot](
- Update actions/setup-python action to v3 [44]( ([renovate-bot](
- Update pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish digest to 717ba43 [41]( ([renovate-bot](
- Configure Renovate [39]( ([renovate-bot]( [renovate[bot]]([bot]))
- Create action to publish on pypi [35]( ([Lykos153](

๐Ÿ“ Documentation

- Remove bold claim that is not true anymore [72]( ([Lykos153](
- Annotated code snippets in README as python for proper coloring etc [64]( ([yarikoptic](
- renovate: ignore docs/** [47]( ([Lykos153](
- Add test and pypi badge to readme [38]( ([Lykos153](

๐Ÿงช Tests

- Switch from nose to pytest, add 3.12.0-rc3 into matrix [80]( ([yarikoptic](
- Add github action for running nosetests [37]( ([Lykos153](

Authors: 6

- [renovate[bot]]([bot])
- Ben Beasley ([musicinmybrain](
- Hugo van Kemenade ([hugovk](
- Mend Renovate ([renovate-bot](
- Silvio Ankermann ([Lykos153](
- Yaroslav Halchenko ([yarikoptic](




* Logging handler


* Support for Python 2.7



ยฉ 2024 Safety CLI Cybersecurity Inc. All Rights Reserved.