
Latest version: v0.1.2

Safety actively analyzes 621329 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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What's Changed

- `dev` by timeforplanb123 in 1:
- Add `nox` sessions with ``
- Add unit tests for `` module
- Add linting, typing, testing, code coverage dev packages, pytest and coverage options to `pyproject.toml`
- Add new github pipelines, `commit.yml` and `coverage.yml`
- Add `.flake8`, `mypy.ini` configuration files
- Add unit tests / coverage reports to `.gitignore`
- Add new code coverage badge to ``, add `PyPI` badge logo
- Change import statemenets (groups and order) with `flake8-import-order` plugin and `import-order-style = google` `.flake8` option. `Black` reformatting with `max-line-length = 88`
- Change single-sourcing package version (`anac/core/__init__`), using standard `importlib.metadata` library (it's possible from Python 3.8) instead of `pkg_resources` library


Initial release



Has known vulnerabilities

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