
Latest version: v0.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 619426 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- In setup.cfg flag mock_use_standalone_module
was changed to false (to use unittest.mock).
- Many version of the packages in extra was updated to latest:
- python-dotenv from 0.15.0 to 1.0.0.
- MarkupSafe is **downgraded** from 2.1.3 to 2.0.1
- bcrypt is upgraded from 3.2.0 to 4.1.1
- cffi is upgraded from 1.14.5 to 1.16.0
- cryptography is upgraded from 38.0.4 to to 41.0.7
- fabric is upgraded from 2.5.0 to 3.2.2
- invoke is upgraded from 1.7.3 to 2.2.0
- paramiko is upgraded from 2.7.2 to 3.3.1
- pycparser is upgraded from 2.20 to 2.21
- PyNaCl is upgraded from 1.3.0 to 1.5.0
- HiYaPyCo is upgraded from 0.5.1 to 0.5.4

- new extra-group, with name requirements-piptools.txt is added.
- alexber.utils.props.lazyproperty is added. TODO: add test for it
- New file that have all high-level dependecies together.
- New file requirements.all that have pinned low-level dependecies resolution.

- mock package was removed. pytest will use unittest.mock. See Changed
p.1 above.
- six was removed.



- Upgrade pyparsing==2.4.7 to 3.1.1.
- Upgrade cryptography from 3.4.7 to 41.0.3.
- Upgrade invoke from 1.4.1 to 1.7.3.
- Upgrade six from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0.
- Upgrade colorama from 0.4.3 to 0.4.4.
- Change declaration of namespace to `declare_namespace()` mechanism.

- Explicit dependency on pyOpenSSL==22.1.0 (lowest version where cryptography version is
pinned). cryptography's and pyOpenSSL's version change should be in sync.


- `stdLogging` module. The main function is `initStream()`. This is Thin adapter layer that redirects stdout/stderr
(or any other stream-like object) to standard Python's logger. Based on See
Quote from :
"But be careful to capture stdout because it's very fragile". I decided to focus on redirecting stderr only to the
logger. If you want you can also redirect stdout, by making 2 calls to initStream() package-level method.
But, because of it is
sufficient only to do it for stderr for me.
See [] for details.

- `Doockerfiles` base-image. Now, you can transparentely switch betwee AMD64 to ARM 64 proccessor.
- `cffi` dependency from 1.14.3 to 1.14.5.
- `cryptography` dependency from 3.1.1 to 3.4.7.


- `FixRelCwd` context-manager in `mains` module - This context-manager temporary changes current working directory to
the one where relPackage is installed. What if you have some script or application that use relative path and you
want to invoke in from another directory. To get things more complicated. maybe your “external” code also use
*relative* path, but relative to another directory.
See [] for details.

- `GuardedWorkerException` context-manager in `mains` module - context manager that mitigate exception propogation
from another process. It is very difficult if not impossible to pickle exceptions back to the parent process.
Simple ones work, but many others don’t.
For example, CalledProcessError is not pickable (my guess, this is because of stdout, stderr data-members).
This means, that if child process raise CalledProcessError that is not catched, it will propagate to the parent
process, but the propagation will fail, apparently because of bug in Python itself.
This cause *pool.join() to halt forever — and thus memory leak!*
See [] for details.

- `join_files()` function in `files` module - Suppose, that you have some multi-threaded/multi-process application
where each thread/process creates some file (each thread/process create different file)
and you want to join them to one file.
See [] for details.

- `fixabscwd()` function in `mains` module - minour refactoring - moving out some internal helper function for reuse
in new function.

- Base docker image version to alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.2.1-slim.
alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.1.1 has some minor changes relative to alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.1.1.
See [] for details.

- See [] Config file from another directory is not resolved
(using `argumentParser` with `--general.config.file` can't be passed to `init_app_conf.parse_config()`)


- Base docker image version to alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.1.1-slim.
alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.1.1 has some minor changes relative to alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.1.0.
See [] for details.
alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.1.1-slim is "slim" version of the same docker image, most unused packaged are removed.

- update versions to pip==20.3.1 setuptools==51.0.0 wheel==0.36.1

- Script


- Base docker image version to alexberkovich/alpine-anaconda3:0.1.0, it has fix for potential security risk: Git was changed
not to store credential as plain text, but to keep them in memory for 1 hour,

- My `deploys` module [ for documentation]
is updated to contain `fix_retry_env()` function in `mains` module.

- `fix_retry_env()` function in `mains` module. []

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